
Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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Premonition of derailed train

I had a premonition about a serious accident to the point that I would not let my 19 year old son leave that evening (he had planned on taking the train back to college that evening) and while watching TV, they broke in to say that the train he would have been on derailed due to ice on the tracks. Several other young adults lost their lives that evening on the train.

— Debbie, Maryland

Smell of baby powder

Something funny is going on in my apartment. We moved in around February 2016. Being in our new home I never experienced anything like this. My girlfriend is expecting next month. But for some odd reason last month I was in my living room and it smelled like baby powder then it goes away. Last night I was sitting there again with my girlfriend and it was strong at one point, but then every time I said I smelled something it kept coming and going. So I laid a different way, and I went to my bedroom and the smell follows me. Then I’m the only one who can smell the scent of baby powder. And crazy I’m sitting here now and I’m in the bathroom smelling it again. What does this mean?

— Serious in Michigan

Old dog ghost back from Australian “veggie patch”

I don’t believe in anything but scientific fact let alone ghosts or animal ghosts.

However, I recently had an old dog 19 put to sleep, it was time for her to go. I loved her very much and I think the feeling was mutual.

I let her cool down for a few days before I buried her, as is my habit. Brain has electrical energy that doesn’t stop right away, it tapers off as the body cools.

So in the veggie patch she goes.

The next night, I am asleep and I get woken up by the bed moving. Now here is where things get scary and inexplicable to science.

I sleep on a water bed. I felt a movement like old dog doing a circle before lying down, I freeze, look up quickly but fully alert only moving my head because I can’t really believe this, my mind is racing as I can already sense what is happening, it’s all in a second or so til now. So I look up and I see a vague image of her circling then fading. Continue reading

Premonition of car crash

I’ve had this weird, what feels like premonition lately. It doesn’t make much sense to me but it does. Ever since I was younger I have thought I would die in a car crash. When I was six I remember exactly telling my mom I would die in a car crash.

I’m now older and I was sitting in the passenger seat of a car when I vividly saw me in my late teens driving a red car that had light brown leather seats. I was on the interstate smiling about something, thinking maybe someone was in the car with me but I never see if anyone is beside of me. All of a sudden a car hits me on the driver’s side and me slowly passing with a lot of blood on the interior of the car.

That was the first time I had the premonition. I have now seen this three times and have no idea what to make of it. I hope it is just something I’m telling myself and imaging, another part of me knows this might well happen to me in future time.

— Anonymous, America

Little girl ghost, “I jumped out of my bed in a panic…”

My first paranormal experience was when I was five years old. I had two sisters and one brother at the time. My mother had put us to bed as usual, myself and my sister Marian slept in bunk-beds her on the top, me on the bottom. Well we knew something wasn’t right with the house as it was but we were all kind of young.

Anyway I was just after dozing off maybe about 10 minutes or so when I heard this giggling and I kind of lay there for a second or two and then I felt a weight on me. I felt someone literally jumping up and down on my chest and giggling. Me being five, I thought it was one of my sisters even though the giggling sounded much younger. Anyway I opened my eyes to see what was going on and which one of my sisters were messing with me. To my shock it was a little girl with long brown ringlets in her hair. She wouldn’t have been more than three, and my sisters at the time were eight and nine. I was the youngest.

I lay there looking up at her jumping up and down on top of me and I remember the little smile on her face. I didn’t realise what I am as seeing. I smiled back at her and I remember getting scared and I tried to call my mam and nothing would come out of my mouth. I’ll never ever forget the fear I felt when I couldn’t make a sound. And then when I tried to shout a second time, she just disappeared like she was never there.

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Odd experiences – sweet smell and strong cologne

Hello, I start having odd experiences when I was a kid about 6 or so…

  • always feel this comforting warmth when I was sad and i could smell this sweet and familiar scent
  • every time a family member goes home to heaven I have a kind of premonition something odd happens
  • receive phone calls no one on the other end
  • feel so calm can not explained see feel and smell thing out of the ordinary also had a hologram type of vision when my Mother pass
  • last night while I was playing in my tablet about 11:20 or so I could smell this strong cologne scent for a few seconds

I just like to know if anyone had anything like this happen in their lives!

— Bertha, New Mexico

(post edited for style and length)

Phantom smell of men’s perfume or cologne

I recently moved in to a duplex house with two bedrooms. The house is kind of vintage and is located at the end of the street. For months, I was the only person living in the property. In several occasions I sensed a strong smell of men’s perfume or cologne. It would last 5-10 seconds and then disappear.

At first I thought that maybe there was some residual smell in the a/c ducts but it happened again and again and you could tell the smell was of freshly sprayed perfume.

After a few months I let a friend move in to share the expenses of the house. A single man moved in next door, also.

Last night, while my neighbor was sleeping (I can hear him snoring through the wall that separates his bedroom from mine) and my roommate was studying with a female friend in the dining room while I was watching TV in my room, I sensed the strong smell of perfume once again. I ignored it. A few minutes later, it happened again. I asked my roommate if he had sprayed perfume or if they had sensed it as well but the answer was no.

I haven’t had any other experience in this house but sometimes I can feel I am not alone. Whoever it is, I am sure he  means no harm but he surely wants me to know he is around.

— Ana Maria, Arkansas

Pet ghost Chihuahua still doing his favorite thing.

My rat terrier Chihuahua Barkley passed away unexpectedly from complications from a surgery. He was only 9. … The week of his passing my wife and I frequently broke down in tears as we were reminded of fond memories and locations in our house where he would do particular things. One place he was happiest was just laying in the bed with us, curled up next to one of us. That was one of his favorite things to do.

That following Sunday, early in the morning, I dreamt that I was laying in my bed, and suddenly I felt Barkley use his muzzle to force my arm out of the way like he used to do so often. While laying on my left side in bed in the dream, he nudged my right arm from behind forcefully, and very much in a way that said “it’s me.”

I felt his head, his body, and his personality in the sensation of this happening. He climbed over my side once I moved my hand, and circled in front of my midsection before laying down with his back touching me. I felt the heat, the personality, HIM, in all of this, but he was not there. It was everything but him there. In my dream, I began to cry, and reached for him to see if he was there, but he disappeared. I woke up with a headache, and laying in the same position I’d dreamt I was in.

— Glen, Texas

Lifelong premonitions warn of danger and death

I was away on a business trip and in a different time zone. At exactly 4:20 am, I sat up in bed. Something told me that my beloved Grandmother had passed. Later that day, I spoke to my husband several times and asked if he had heard anything about my Grandma. He said no.

I later found out that she had passed that Tuesday, at 5:20 am her time zone, which was 4:20 am my time zone on that Tuesday at 4:20 am when I sat straight up in bed. She had been my last living Grandma.

I was 7 when my other Grandmother passed. We got word that she had fallen ill and was taken to the hospital. My parents quickly packed and loaded up us kids in the car to make the 6 hour trip to the hospital. I remember asking my father why were we rushing, for she was already dead. He got very upset with me, but when we arrived at the hospital, he went in and left my mother and me and my siblings in the car. He came out crying, saying that she was gone. I later found out that she had died at the same time I was asking why were we rushing.

“I did not dare mention my dream from the night before”

I also had a dream at age 16 about a co-worker’s husband dying. He had been in the hospital recovering from a heart attack and had just bought the car of his dreams. When I went to work later that day, his wife was so thrilled that her husband was being discharged from the hospital the next morning. I did not dare mention my dream from the night before to her. Sadly he passed away that night and never did come home. I later told her about my dream because I felt so guilty. She said that she wished that I had told her because her last evening at the hospital would have been different and that she never did get a chance to say goodbye, but rather only a see you tomorrow.


— Debbie, Maryland

Ghost dog Turbo “comes around especially at night”

My dog Turbo was 11 years old and passed away October 12, 2015.  I had Turbo since he was 6 weeks old.  He died at home in his sleep one night while I was at work after being sick for a couple of months. For days and nights after his passing, I would hear the doggie door open and close on its own. My boyfriend thought I was hearing things till he finally heard it too. On our way home from getting Abbie, we were discussing how Turbo use to sit in my lap in the car when I drove.  My boyfriend said ‘that’s kinda dangerous’, and then out of no where we heard Turbo’s bark as clear as it could be driving 65 mph down a highway with no other dogs in sight.  We then started hearing him more and more around the house, and the doggie door would open and close on its own without wind, especially at night. Continue reading

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