Mystery and Thriller Author Kathryn OrzechAbout Author Kathryn Orzech

Author Kathryn Orzech writes dark suspense thrillers set in New England “and other exotic locations.” Female protagonists confront danger, flirt with romance, and brush with the supernatural, discovering their strength when dire circumstance disrupts routine—like real life.

A seasoned world traveler having visited more than thirty countries, she puts her global adventures to work in her novels. An avid film fan and self-proclaimed news nerd, other interests include history and geopolitics, society and culture; archaeology, psychology and science; and parapsychology, leaving few subjects off her literary table.

Iconic jewelry company plays a prominent role in dark suspense saga, Asylum.

Fresh out of art school, this Connecticut native found her dream job at The Napier Company designing costume jewelry. This first job experience left a lasting impression, finding its way back in history c.1900 where it becomes the fictional business of the prominent Northeast industrialist, albeit ill-fated, Delito family, and their dark suspense saga, Asylum.

More than a hobby. A mission?

A lifelong interest in psychic phenomena resulted in, a website where everyday people post true paranormal experiences, an idea that came in a dream. Online since 1997 DreamWatch has welcomed visitors from every U.S. state and at least 50 countries.

DreamWatch, true paranormal experiences of ordinary people

An early incarnation of DreamWatch online

Her website, true paranormal experiences of everyday people, has been online since the late 1990s with visitors from more than 50 countries and every U.S. state. was the inspiration for her psychic thriller, Premonition of Terror, when she wondered, What if premonitions from around the world predicted the same catastrophic event?

More about Kathryn’s books on this site at DreamWatch Press.


Writings on the Wall, a rare personal blog by author Kathryn Orzech

Writings on the WallShe occasionally posts on her personal blog: Writings on the Wall, where you’ll also find featured guests. (The blog link is also listed in the Sidebar Categories.)


Professional Groups

Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association (CAPA) assists, encourages, and inspires published and unpublished writers and increases their knowledge of writing, publishing and marketing by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information.

Sisters in Crime Connecticut (SinC-CT) is a community dedicated to supporting mystery authors at all stages of their careers in Connecticut and beyond. Our goal is to create a vibrant community for members through events focused on craft, the business of writing, promotional opportunities, and more. Sisters in Crime Connecticut is a regional chapter of Sisters in Crime National.

Sisters in Crime National (SinC) promotes the ongoing advancement, recognition and professional development of women crime writers.


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