Haunted by a Dead Cat

My cat Licorice passed away on Nov. 29, 2011. I moved to this place Oct. 2017, but she started to show up (?) in June of this year and has ruined my health.

“I have felt her paw, whiskers, nose …”

It started with the foot prints at night and then it was her crawling up under the bottom of my covers. Any night that I lay on the sofa (bad leg) she goes under the sofa and keeps hitting my back. I have ignored her for more than a month and have blocked all access to the sofa and the bed. I’m very confused though as I have felt her paw, whiskers, nose, claw and body.

“I can feel her kicking …”

As she’s dead, how can you do that as it’s just her spirit, and why is it when she’s under a pillow (which I just took away), I can feel her kicking? If I put my foot on the pillow to rest it or if I get up to go to the kitchen then come back to sit down and sit on her, I can feel her kick me so I move so I don’t hurt her???

My son thinks I’m losing it, but believe me, have a dead cat pat you on the shoulder and you’ll wish you were.

Haunted by a dead cat and desperate for answers

I don’t know where to go from here. Any suggestions? Please don’t think I’m a wacko, I’m not, just desperate for answers!

— D. Gideon in Canada

Thank you, D., for sharing your story. I’ll give my opinion on some of your issues, but please note that I’m no expert and these are simply opinions. I’ll share what a wise sage once advised me after speaking for hours about paranormal topics:

“Don’t believe anything I say, find out for yourself.”

That said, here I go. (In order as written in your story.)

  1. After six years and in a new “place” I wonder if you’re being haunted by Licorice, a dead cat. Similar affections? Mostly I hear of returns within weeks or months. Could it be something attached to the new “place”?
  2. I would not “ignore” this presence. Ignoring is tolerating. You’re the boss of your reality.
  3. Blocking physical access would have no effect. The spirit world is not bound by physical world rules. Blocking by means of your will should help.
  4. You wrote: “I can feel her kick me so I move so I don’t hurt her.” To me it seems that your moving to accommodate a dead cat is an act of acceptance.
  5. Your concern about hurting her (a dead cat) seems like an acceptance. In my opinion, there is no hurt. It doesn’t belong here. It is not of this dimension.
  6. REMEMBER: this is your story, your stage. You are the boss of your reality in this three-dimensional world.
  7. PROTECT YOURSELF. Envision and surround yourself with bright white light, know that only good and positive energies surround and protect you.
  8. TAKE CHARGE. There’s no wishy-washy here. No negotiation. You must demand and command action.
    Stand in the middle of the rooms where you’ve experienced the most activity. Muster internal strength. Be calm. Be firm.
    State the rules out loud: This is my home. This is my dimension, my reality. I command you to leave. Do not return. You must leave now. And repeat as necessary. Your only reaction should be GO AWAY.

— Kat


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