A young girl ghost.

Girl ghost — A few years ago, possibly six or seven, I was hearing footsteps on the rooftop. First I thought it was the sound of squirrels or rats or raccoons climbing on the roof, but I realized it sounded more like the footsteps of a small person or a child and this would happen late at night usually after midnight and that would happen at all times of the year even in the dead of winter when it’s 30 below zero outside.

I thought it could be the neighbors so I asked them if they had been on the rooftop walking around for some reason, of course they said no. I had no way to explain what was happening but it would happen on a regular basis. I was the only one to hear them, but I know for sure that it wasn’t a dream because I’ll be awake every time I heard it.

Then one afternoon at about 3 PM I was lying in bed with my eyes closed but I was awake and suddenly I hear the front door open.

I hear the door latch open. I see a girl ghost.

I hear the clicks of lock and the creak of the door as it opens and closes. And then heard footsteps and the creaking of the wood floors down the hallway. I figured it was my mother coming home so I didn’t think anything of it. Suddenly my door opens in my bedroom and I see this image of a young girl ghost very clearly but yet I could see through her. She had long dark curly hair, was about seven years old, she was wearing a red dress.

I pinch myself to make sure I was awake and yes I was awake for about three seconds I saw the image. I close my eyes, open them again for a second, reopen them, and the image was gone.

It didn’t scare me or freak me out I was more puzzled and I questioned if I was really awake or was I dreaming, but I thought why would I be dreaming about this? Why would I be seeing this? It didn’t make sense. I was sure. I have no explanation for what happened.

Strange scratches.

If years later in a different apartment I had another strange experience.  One night I felt this burning sensation on my leg, it was morning time maybe around 6 AM and I was just waking up.

I didn’t know what it was so I checked my leg and on my leg were scratches, very strange scratches, they are on the inside on my right leg, my ankle. There was a shape of an eye and ask (?) next to it and two lines underneath almost like Roman numerals. I thought, how can I scratch myself in that strange pattern while I’m sleeping? There was no way it happened during the day since I was wearing jeans and boots so even if I had walked through the shrubs or found a way to scratch myself accidentally, there’s no way it would penetrate through my jeans and my leather boots that went up above my ankles. So again this time it was more disturbing, but I did not freak out. I was more curious as to how this could happen and kept thinking how on earth was that’s possible?

Now recently and in my new apartment I’ve been hearing different noises like the sound of the piano playing except it’s just to know it’s playing off key and it happens all times of the day every day. It’s so strange. No one else hears them upstairs or downstairs just in our apartment. At least my mother hears it, but there’s no logical explanation. It actually sounds like a live piano not a recording. It’s not an alarm. It just doesn’t make sense. Why in earth would it be the same to know it’s played off key constantly? It’s very puzzling and it’s not Friday and just more perplexing.

Anyone else have any experiences like that please let me know.

— Franz, USA


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