Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

Tag: ghost touch

Haunted by a Dead Cat

Haunted by a Dead Cat

My cat Licorice passed away on Nov. 29, 2011. I moved to this place Oct. 2017, but she started to show up (?) in June of this year and has ruined my health.

“I have felt her paw, whiskers, nose …”

It started with the foot prints at night and then it was her crawling up under the bottom of my covers. Any night that I lay on the sofa (bad leg) she goes under the sofa and keeps hitting my back. I have ignored her for more than a month and have blocked all access to the sofa and the bed. I’m very confused though as I have felt her paw, whiskers, nose, claw and body.

“I can feel her kicking …”

As she’s dead, how can you do that as it’s just her spirit, and why is it when she’s under a pillow (which I just took away), I can feel her kicking? If I put my foot on the pillow to rest it or if I get up to go to the kitchen then come back to sit down and sit on her, I can feel her kick me so I move so I don’t hurt her???

My son thinks I’m losing it, but believe me, have a dead cat pat you on the shoulder and you’ll wish you were.

Haunted by a dead cat and desperate for answers

I don’t know where to go from here. Any suggestions? Please don’t think I’m a wacko, I’m not, just desperate for answers!

— D. Gideon in Canada

Thank you, D., for sharing your story. I’ll give my opinion on some of your issues, but please note that I’m no expert and these are simply opinions. I’ll share what a wise sage once advised me after speaking for hours about paranormal topics:

“Don’t believe anything I say, find out for yourself.”

That said, here I go. (In order as written in your story.)

  1. After six years and in a new “place” I wonder if you’re being haunted by Licorice, a dead cat. Similar affections? Mostly I hear of returns within weeks or months. Could it be something attached to the new “place”?
  2. I would not “ignore” this presence. Ignoring is tolerating. You’re the boss of your reality.
  3. Blocking physical access would have no effect. The spirit world is not bound by physical world rules. Blocking by means of your will should help.
  4. You wrote: “I can feel her kick me so I move so I don’t hurt her.” To me it seems that your moving to accommodate a dead cat is an act of acceptance.
  5. Your concern about hurting her (a dead cat) seems like an acceptance. In my opinion, there is no hurt. It doesn’t belong here. It is not of this dimension.
  6. REMEMBER: this is your story, your stage. You are the boss of your reality in this three-dimensional world.
  7. PROTECT YOURSELF. Envision and surround yourself with bright white light, know that only good and positive energies surround and protect you.
  8. TAKE CHARGE. There’s no wishy-washy here. No negotiation. You must demand and command action.
    Stand in the middle of the rooms where you’ve experienced the most activity. Muster internal strength. Be calm. Be firm.
    State the rules out loud: This is my home. This is my dimension, my reality. I command you to leave. Do not return. You must leave now. And repeat as necessary. Your only reaction should be GO AWAY.

— Kat


You’ll find similar stories in our archive of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts right here at DreamWatch, true paranormal experiences of everyday people.

When something strange and inexplicable like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.


A female figure true ghost story

“A female figure standing over me.”

I don’t think this female figure is supernatural, but no one can explain to me what exactly it is, so I put it to you here.

This happened in 2014. I had been having vivid dreams and centered a lot on death, or the passing of a loved one.

I woke up to a female figure standing over me, but I wasn’t scared, in fact I looked, rolled over and put my back to it and went back to sleep.

“A cool breeze on the back on my neck.”

My sleep has been interrupted for a while now and one day I felt a cool breeze on the back on my neck multiple times—inside the house. Once I actually thought someone was blowing on the back of my neck and I turned to confront them—except I was alone in my own house.

This morning I’m hearing wind chimes. There are none unless the neighbor got some yesterday.

Anyone had anything similar happen?

— Jade in South Africa

Yes, Jade, many others have had similar experiences. See their stories on our Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights (and touches and other physical phenomena), and in our story archive of People Ghosts.

— Kat

We want to read your story. When something strange like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Submit Your Story at DreamWatch. We believe!


Spirit Presence of Loved Ones Passed

The Spirit Presence of Loved Ones Passed

Loved ones passed: A few years back when I would shut the lights out with only my TV on I could feel a presence watching me. My hairs on my arms would stick up and my heart would start beating fast. This went on for about two years. I never saw anything. To this day I can feel a presence from time to time.

Sometimes I feel like someone touches me or sits next to me when my back is turned. I also hear my name from time to time, too. Could it be love ones passed checking up on me?

— Jessica in Massachusetts

I believe the spirits of loved ones passed make their presence known. I’ve had the same experience, often accompanied by the smell of flowers, pipe tobacco, or cologne. — Kat

Read more ghost stories like this at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. You can also narrow your search by using the Select Category menu in the Sidebar for topics of interest.

Ghost? Spirit? Phantom Footsteps and a Tug of the Pillow.

Ghost? Spirit? Phantom Footsteps and a Tug of the Pillow.

Phantom Footsteps — I am not sure if my experience was a ghost or a spirit, but I do know it was not a dream. I am 37 years old and swear this has happened before. While I was asleep I felt as if someone sat in my bed which woke me, too scared to open my eyes and turn around I feel a tug at one of my pillows. Again too afraid to move I did not release a pillow and pretended to be asleep. I was truly hoping whoever it was would think I was asleep and not hurt me.

After a few tugs of the pillow I hear a few footsteps walking away. Then I quickly turn around, jump out of the bed, only to find there was no one in my house. I know no one was here.

Could this have been a ghost? Is there a message that they would want to give me? Have you heard something like this happen before? Had I opened my eyes and turned over would I have seen it? What does it mean?

— Thalia in New York

Read more ghost stories about phantom footsteps, touches, smells, and more at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. You can narrow your search for topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu.

“I feel his hair. I feel his skin. I wake up crying.”

A dream so real …

I am 19 and I had this dream so real that I can’t seem to get over, it has stayed with me. When I dream, I don’t remember or if I do, it is always about a situation that is happening in my life and I always recognize the people and see them very clearly, but it never feels real, it’s almost like a daze.

This dream felt so realistic to me. I was in my mid-twenties. All around me were houses, sort of hut-like and close together on both sides and only divided by a dirt path, but most were set on fire and there were people leaving these houses with their belongings and loved ones, but in the dream I was not.

I could hear his whisper…

I walked passed a man who was leaving his home and once he had ran off it was now mine, but I wasn’t alone. There was a white man there, also in his mid-twenties. I knew he was not meant to be there with me but our eyes met. All I did was giggle. The whole time he was speaking in a whisper so low I couldn’t understand, and in that moment, it was just me and him in a bright white room and he sat and we were in an almost intimate hug. I could not see his face because it was in my neck and I could hear his whisper, it had a slight accent but I couldn’t understand.

I played with his hair and I could really feel his hair between my hands and the heat of his soft skin. Once he stopped whispering and pulled back to look me in the eyes, I woke up with this sadness and it’s stayed and I have flashes in my sleep of his face looking up at me and wake up crying. Someone please help.

— Yamiles, Puerto Rico & Wisconsin

(Heavily edited.) Thanks for your story, Yamiles.  — Kat

My dream so real …

My similar experience of feeling hair between my fingers was so real it startled me, too, and the sensation and the details remain with me even though years have passed. I wrote about and included my dream in my paranormal thriller Premonition of Terror, where the reader is introduced to the protagonist, reluctant psychic Kate Kasabian who believes her runaway lover has returned.

Her hand traced his shoulder and slid up the back of his neck. Her fingers combed through his hair with gentle strokes like so many times before.

The bedroom was too quiet. No fabric rustled with her movements. No psychic voices played in her head.

No lover sighed at her touch.

Her eyes shot open. …

Read Chapter Two on this site or at: Amazon “Look Inside” Premonition of Terror.

— Kat

Little girl ghost, “I jumped out of my bed in a panic…”

My first paranormal experience was when I was five years old. I had two sisters and one brother at the time. My mother had put us to bed as usual, myself and my sister Marian slept in bunk-beds her on the top, me on the bottom. Well we knew something wasn’t right with the house as it was but we were all kind of young.

Anyway I was just after dozing off maybe about 10 minutes or so when I heard this giggling and I kind of lay there for a second or two and then I felt a weight on me. I felt someone literally jumping up and down on my chest and giggling. Me being five, I thought it was one of my sisters even though the giggling sounded much younger. Anyway I opened my eyes to see what was going on and which one of my sisters were messing with me. To my shock it was a little girl with long brown ringlets in her hair. She wouldn’t have been more than three, and my sisters at the time were eight and nine. I was the youngest.

I lay there looking up at her jumping up and down on top of me and I remember the little smile on her face. I didn’t realise what I am as seeing. I smiled back at her and I remember getting scared and I tried to call my mam and nothing would come out of my mouth. I’ll never ever forget the fear I felt when I couldn’t make a sound. And then when I tried to shout a second time, she just disappeared like she was never there.

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