Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

Tag: ghost cat

Haunted by a Dead Cat

Haunted by a Dead Cat

My cat Licorice passed away on Nov. 29, 2011. I moved to this place Oct. 2017, but she started to show up (?) in June of this year and has ruined my health.

“I have felt her paw, whiskers, nose …”

It started with the foot prints at night and then it was her crawling up under the bottom of my covers. Any night that I lay on the sofa (bad leg) she goes under the sofa and keeps hitting my back. I have ignored her for more than a month and have blocked all access to the sofa and the bed. I’m very confused though as I have felt her paw, whiskers, nose, claw and body.

“I can feel her kicking …”

As she’s dead, how can you do that as it’s just her spirit, and why is it when she’s under a pillow (which I just took away), I can feel her kicking? If I put my foot on the pillow to rest it or if I get up to go to the kitchen then come back to sit down and sit on her, I can feel her kick me so I move so I don’t hurt her???

My son thinks I’m losing it, but believe me, have a dead cat pat you on the shoulder and you’ll wish you were.

Haunted by a dead cat and desperate for answers

I don’t know where to go from here. Any suggestions? Please don’t think I’m a wacko, I’m not, just desperate for answers!

— D. Gideon in Canada

Thank you, D., for sharing your story. I’ll give my opinion on some of your issues, but please note that I’m no expert and these are simply opinions. I’ll share what a wise sage once advised me after speaking for hours about paranormal topics:

“Don’t believe anything I say, find out for yourself.”

That said, here I go. (In order as written in your story.)

  1. After six years and in a new “place” I wonder if you’re being haunted by Licorice, a dead cat. Similar affections? Mostly I hear of returns within weeks or months. Could it be something attached to the new “place”?
  2. I would not “ignore” this presence. Ignoring is tolerating. You’re the boss of your reality.
  3. Blocking physical access would have no effect. The spirit world is not bound by physical world rules. Blocking by means of your will should help.
  4. You wrote: “I can feel her kick me so I move so I don’t hurt her.” To me it seems that your moving to accommodate a dead cat is an act of acceptance.
  5. Your concern about hurting her (a dead cat) seems like an acceptance. In my opinion, there is no hurt. It doesn’t belong here. It is not of this dimension.
  6. REMEMBER: this is your story, your stage. You are the boss of your reality in this three-dimensional world.
  7. PROTECT YOURSELF. Envision and surround yourself with bright white light, know that only good and positive energies surround and protect you.
  8. TAKE CHARGE. There’s no wishy-washy here. No negotiation. You must demand and command action.
    Stand in the middle of the rooms where you’ve experienced the most activity. Muster internal strength. Be calm. Be firm.
    State the rules out loud: This is my home. This is my dimension, my reality. I command you to leave. Do not return. You must leave now. And repeat as necessary. Your only reaction should be GO AWAY.

— Kat


You’ll find similar stories in our archive of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts right here at DreamWatch, true paranormal experiences of everyday people.

When something strange and inexplicable like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.


A Balance of Life and Death in the Animal Kingdom

A Balance of Life and Death in the Animal Kingdom

Years ago, our family’s first cat developed chronic renal failure and eventually had to be put to sleep. We found a mobile vet who would do it in our home. My husband came home from work and then we said good-bye to our friend.

We stayed home together for the rest of that day in the living room where the kitty passed. Behind us, was an expansive plate glass bay window. We heard a loud thud, and a hawk had collided with the glass.

In all the years we’d lived in this house, we’d had many birds clunk into the window. Some survived, some didn’t. But the hawk survived. On the day we’d lost our beloved cat.

— Anonymous in Connecticut

Not only the same day, but for the glass window—the same room!

— Kat


You’ll find similar stories in our archive of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts right here at DreamWatch, true paranormal experiences of everyday people.

When something strange and inexplicable like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.

— Kat


Pet ghost cat plays with favorite toy

Pet ghost cat Edo plays with electronic device.

My 11 yr old tuxedo cat Edo had diabetes and I gave it shots twice a day for a year. My daughter and I loved him so very much. When he became a little ill, I had him put down. The shots, the time, the cost, was becoming too much for us.

Now, a year later, our pet ghost cat has come back.

We have this little stuffed animal pet toy cat that is broke and did not meow no more. It used to be his and then we let our kitten have it. Now this toy just meows on its own at the strangest times. I cannot make it meow myself, but it meows randomly when we look at videos of Edo, when we pet or feed our two new cats, and sometimes, for no reason at all. Also our new cat gets big and scared at nothing sometimes. (We think it’s Edo.)

Finally, in a picture my daughter took, there is an orb. Do you think pet spirits can actually make an electronic device make sound, even though we cannot get this toy to make sound anymore? I am not afraid, but wish Edo would go to the other side and have peace. Plus I fear that if I destroy this toy, he will feel that I got rid of him again.

The toy just meowed again as I am typing this.

— Rob in Pennsylvania


Thanks for story, Rob. In my opinion, messing with electricity seems to be a form of communication by our spirit friends. You’ll find many more stories in our archive of Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights. and pet ghosts playing with favorite toys here on the pages of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts.

When something strange and frightening like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Submit Your Story here.

— Kat


“Spirit cat has come to me.”

Spirit Cat has come to be with me.

Hi, I’m not sure why this Spirit Cat has come to be with me. I love cats, but have not had one for a very long time, well except a kitten I found on the highway that I had to give up.

It stretched out right against my side …

For the last few days I’ve felt this spirit cat on my bed, scratching at the sofa when I lay down. But this morning it stretched out right against my side. I wish I knew what this means. I’m going through a lot right now, unemployed, not feeling great, basically lost. Maybe it just trying to make me feel better.

— Cindy, US

Ghost cat? The “tak tak tak” of kitty paws…

Did I hear the kitty paws of a ghost cat?

I have only lived in this house just over one year, and was lying in bed reading. It was around 11:30pm. Outside my bedroom, I very distinctly hear the “tak tak tak” of kitty paws as if a ghost cat were coming down the hall. I immediately thought my cat Geekers was coming up to bed like he usually does.

I got up to look but he was already asleep at the end of my bed. He raised his head at the same time, suddenly wide awake, and jumped from the bed to the dresser. He looked up at the ceiling like he was following something with his head and then he stared intently at the bedroom doorway for a couple of minutes before slowly going out into the hallway like he could see something out there.

I saw nothing, but Geekers stared intently like a ghost cat was there.

From my bed, I watched Geekers trying to decide what to do. I was home alone and was concerned about what might be out in the hallway that could make that loud of a noise. Finally, I got out of bed to look down the short hallway but could see nothing there but Geekers still staring intently down to the end of the hall like there was something there.

— Norma, Canada


Thanks for story, Norma. Animals do seem to be more sensitive to unseen energies from the “other side.”

— Kat

For more animal ghost stories visit our True Ghost Stories category: Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts.


Cat spirit returns

Cat spirit returns to the United Kingdom: A few days ago I had a nap of about 10 minutes and when I awoke, blinked to clear my sight, much to my amazement I saw my beloved cat sitting and staring at me. As I watched in total shock he just faded! This is the very first time I have experienced such an incident. I’m hoping he will return!

— Patricia, UK

Thanks for your story, Patricia. You’ll find many more like it right here on DreamWatch, true paranormal.

— Kat

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