Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

Category: Fate & Reincarnation

Dream of an alternate life

“I dream of living an alternate life …”

I dream of just living an alternate life altogether in which I go through phases, like at the moment, I’m in college. The world is different, more beautiful, it is always sunny and the atmosphere is just beyond explanation. I can breathe better in these dreams. I can smell happiness and feel joy. I can go anywhere in these dreams and not feel the least bit fearful. It is also where I see a lot of my deceased relatives as well the settings that never change. I could explain what I’ve seen and the places that I’ve been in this reality in fine detail, but that’s not what I’m discussing in this story.

“The world is different, more beautiful. I can breathe better in these dreams. I can smell happiness and feel joy and not feel the least bit fearful — but that’s not what I’m discussing in this story…”

There’s a particular dream I’ve had a few times, once when I was about 8-10 years of age and one I’ve had sometime afterwards, into my teens, that stands out to me greatly and that I just cannot explain.

(This story is long, and a bit hard to follow. DreamWatch has done extensive editing and still can’t guess its meaning, but we felt it was of enough interest to post. Maybe it will make sense to someone.) 

Chased. Stalked. Shot.

I started having these dreams of being chased by unrecognizable human beings, being stalked, as well as shot. These dreams have followed me into my adult years, I am now 20 years old. A few months ago I was sucked into this reality yet again, but different. This one stands out the most because of its well thought out scenario, one in which I couldn’t have thought of in a million years and it’s a pretty creepy one, here’s the story:

It starts at a party, a birthday party for a baby cousin.

There were a lot of kids and a fair amount of adults so of course there was a lot of noise. In a chair next to a dryer diagonal from the bathroom sits me, my body facing four children who sat lined up against the wall. My attention turned towards my eldest cousins aged 19 and 17 who were laughing and having a conversation.

Out of the blue one little girl blurts a curse word. I quickly turned my attention to the little girl, “Watch your mouth.” The girl continues to curse not only that, but throw insults as well. Not long after, it’s a sibling showdown, back and forth we go.

In the midst of it all, I see one of my aunts speaking discreetly to a mysterious woman. Immediately, I respond, “Is something wrong?” as if I already knew something very suspect was going on or on the verge of going down.

I then turn my attention back to my eldest cousins, while at the same time watching my aunt walk into the other room with this mystery lady. I remember distinctly the same little girl blurt another curse word. I once again turn my attention to her and all of a sudden from the corner of my eye to the left, a bald black man in a suit who seems to be in his mid- to late-40s walks through my aunt’s front door and calls me out like a school sentry picking up the class clown.

I turn my attention to the little girl smiling at me as well as my aunt and the mystery lady, but for some odd reason I respectfully went with, who at the time I expected to be an officer of some sort, confident that I would be set free due to it all being a big dumb misunderstanding. But I was wrong.

Leaving the house, instead of a cop car, I was making my way to a black SUV, in which I noticed a young boy passenger about the same age as me. I have never seen these people in my freaking life!!! but I remained content as I sat in the backseat of this van and we pull off.

“The strangest thing began to happen and thinking back on it now it scares me.”

The officer and this younger boy begins singing a song that I have never heard, out of the blue, just starts harmonizing and singing like they were auditioning for the X-Factor or something. It was then when I suspected that the two were father and son so I asked them what song they were singing and the investigator tells me the name (again I’ve never heard of the song ever so I can’t remember the name) so I say “He must’ve sung that song to you a lot when you were younger” and suddenly the both of them turn to each other, grinning at one another, and if I remember correctly the younger one says in sort of a mumbled tone, “If only he knew.”

Eventually we show up to what looks like a huge fenced in lot with a garage. We’re backing into this lot and immediately I start getting anxious and we have to change vehicles seconds later. I find myself hands tied in a damn golf cart driving up to this garage at this point I’m planning my escape, yet at the same time I can’t help but be interested in what awaited behind this garage door.

Slowly the garage door opens…

Slowly the garage door opens and opens and opens and as expected … nothing, just an empty dirty garage with a single brick shaped window at the top of the back wall. It wasn’t long before I had hopped out that cart and was hauling across a busy street hopping and crossing every car, I could feel this person chasing me like I knew he was right behind me.

Now that I think about it, he was so close to me all it really took was for him to reach out his hand and grab me and from all of the crazy a traffic I shoulda’ been hit and on the ground but I think due to my determination to not get caught this time like before … yes, before (it was a quick lil’ chase in which I got caught and blacked out when I hit traffic). I was strongly determined to not get caught this time. I felt like I was running in this dream literally for a whole hour until I finally reached my grandmother’s house and running into the kitchen to grab a knife.

If I did get caught like in the older dream starring my younger self, I would be killing another version of myself…

As soon as I turned around the officer was in the kitchen and in front of me with his hands held out towards me signaling that I lower the knife and I refused. I was not gonna get caught, I couldn’t get caught, it was like in my conscious mind a very small part of it kinda knew I was in a dream or an alternate reality and that if I did get caught like in the older dream starring my younger self, I would be killing another version of myself (sad I know) so I stabbed him and as soon as that happened I heard the front door open and I just knew so I bolted to the back door.

Now in this dream like all of my dreams, my grandmother’s house is the most accurately detailed because I’ve spent so much time there. I was practically raised there so like my grandmother’s house the back porch is gone and there is a dumpster in the way. So hopping out of the back door behind this dumpster I crouch, peaking from the right as another black van and the familiar face of a Hispanic man, whom I do strongly believe was the capture of my younger self, walk up to the house.

As he approaches the younger kid, the son of the officer runs out of the house searching for me. After a few quick seconds of confusion he spots me and starts yelling and kickin’ and cursing me while being held by the Hispanic guy because of what I did to his father, suddenly the Hispanic guy tightly grabs a hold of him to calm him down and throws his arms around the son of the officer. I then heard him say in a calm and assuring tone, “Next time we’ll get him, next time.”

All I can do now is wonder whoever reads this and can share a similar story. I seen a post on here that mentioned having these same dreams which is exciting because it may better explain our superstitions and serve as proof of such things.

— Sha’vey, New York


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“Memories from another life, another place …”

Reoccurring dreams in my teens…

I’ve always had reoccurring dreams in my teens and I’ve never thought too much about them other than I can remember that the same thing happens every time I have it. There’s always another person with me, a women. I’ve had numerous dreams with this same person. I can never recall her eyes but I can picture her hair and her face.

One of the most strangest dreams…

I’m 21 now and just recently I’ve had one of the most strangest dreams that even as I think about this dream I get emotional. In all my dreams with this other person there’s always been some sort of obstacle we had to pass in order to reach each other. This dream however, starts off like we just met for the first time. I’m not sure if years have passed or if this is the same lifetime with this person as my other dreams.

Later, it seemed like some sort of machine that looked almost alien was taking people up into the air. There was some sort of commotion and people starting jumping from it. It feels almost like it was set in the future with more advanced technology and there were some sort of inflatables on the ground below that people were trying to jump on.

I still couldn’t get over this tragic event…

While the girl that keeps appearing in my dreams wasn’t so lucky, I can see her being forced out of this cage and didn’t make it. I remember crying in the dream, not knowing how to get by. I remember other people helping me and it seemed as if years went by and I still couldn’t get over this tragic event. While the technology in this dream seemed much more complex the people around me were wearing robes, mostly white. When I woke up from this dream I’ve never felt so emotional in my life. I thought to myself how could a dream bring me this much sadness?

Memories from another life, another place?

Are these memories from another life, another place, but always with the same person. I thought this memory of her dying would go away but whenever I think about it I burst into tears and no matter what I do I can’t help it. I’ve never felt so devastated in my life as to what I just experienced. I’ve starting writing a journal about these dreams or memories. I keep hoping to put these pieces together.

Thank you for reading.

— Tyler, Ohio

“I feel his hair. I feel his skin. I wake up crying.”

A dream so real …

I am 19 and I had this dream so real that I can’t seem to get over, it has stayed with me. When I dream, I don’t remember or if I do, it is always about a situation that is happening in my life and I always recognize the people and see them very clearly, but it never feels real, it’s almost like a daze.

This dream felt so realistic to me. I was in my mid-twenties. All around me were houses, sort of hut-like and close together on both sides and only divided by a dirt path, but most were set on fire and there were people leaving these houses with their belongings and loved ones, but in the dream I was not.

I could hear his whisper…

I walked passed a man who was leaving his home and once he had ran off it was now mine, but I wasn’t alone. There was a white man there, also in his mid-twenties. I knew he was not meant to be there with me but our eyes met. All I did was giggle. The whole time he was speaking in a whisper so low I couldn’t understand, and in that moment, it was just me and him in a bright white room and he sat and we were in an almost intimate hug. I could not see his face because it was in my neck and I could hear his whisper, it had a slight accent but I couldn’t understand.

I played with his hair and I could really feel his hair between my hands and the heat of his soft skin. Once he stopped whispering and pulled back to look me in the eyes, I woke up with this sadness and it’s stayed and I have flashes in my sleep of his face looking up at me and wake up crying. Someone please help.

— Yamiles, Puerto Rico & Wisconsin

(Heavily edited.) Thanks for your story, Yamiles.  — Kat

My dream so real …

My similar experience of feeling hair between my fingers was so real it startled me, too, and the sensation and the details remain with me even though years have passed. I wrote about and included my dream in my paranormal thriller Premonition of Terror, where the reader is introduced to the protagonist, reluctant psychic Kate Kasabian who believes her runaway lover has returned.

Her hand traced his shoulder and slid up the back of his neck. Her fingers combed through his hair with gentle strokes like so many times before.

The bedroom was too quiet. No fabric rustled with her movements. No psychic voices played in her head.

No lover sighed at her touch.

Her eyes shot open. …

Read Chapter Two on this site or at: Amazon “Look Inside” Premonition of Terror.

— Kat

Vision of “another life”

Another life passed before me like a film.

A few years ago I was hosing down my green house after cleaning it, it was a sunny day and I was relaxed and enjoying the cold spray. Then I saw before me like a film, another life, it passed before me like a film. I remember thinking, this is my real life, it was so familiar to me. I was not drowsy or in a trance, I actually looked away at my garden and home, just to make sure I was ‘with it’!

The life I was seeing was more real to me.

When I turned back the ‘vision’ continued, and I felt again the life I was seeing was more real to me. I tore my eyes away, and sat down feeling almost bereaved and everything I had seen disappeared from my mind.

When I was in my 30s I suffered from sleep paralysis, which was frightening. I would literally sit down close my eyes and find myself unable to move. But more frightening was sometimes when I found I could open my eyes, I’d find myself in a strange place.

— Carol, England

That’s happened to me, too, Carol, including your “bereaved” feeling. Your description is spot on. I believe we grieve for loved ones, in that time, in that place. Or are simply missing something, same as we long to return to a favorite moment when all seemed right. Thanks for your story.

— Kat

Love from a Past Life Remembered

Love from a Past Life Remembered

I born in Brazil 1963 since then I remember. I know that person I used to call him John. I tell all my little friends that one day I will come to United States and will be together forever and I grow-up and the feeling getting so much strong. Was it love from a past life that I remembered?

I was in my twenties I call him Nickola J. I know he is or was a soldier. I remember three little girls: Elizabeth, Carolyn, Sarah and there is another one, Rebecca, but I never get to hold. I don’t know.

I’m married for 28 years to a wonderful man James. I living in United States for 30 years, but I never love no one that way I love that person on my mind is so real that I watch to see if I found him or ever I go all the feeling still in my heart. I never told no one, they will think that I have a bad problem. How that you miss and love this much and remember smell so much more of a person that don’t exist. But you know he exists because you remember so many years past and that feeling still strong. What is this that I can’t forget and stop love?

— Celia, Florida

Thanks for your story, Celia. Perhaps you are remembering a love from a past life. Your love sounds intense. Maybe you lived together during a recent past life, Maybe it ended suddenly. I believe spirits bound by love will be reunited. Try not to get hung up on remembering names or even appearance, but know that when you are reunited, you will know each other.

I find these accounts of past life memory most fascinating. You’ll find several more similar stories on this site in the category: Fate & Reincarnation. —Kat

Our crossing paths. “Is this fate?”

Our crossing paths. “Is this fate?”

So about five years ago, I met a guy through his brother as we both went to varsity together. We began to chat and hang out here and there and the chemistry between really started to grow and blossom. I always wanted more out of him in terms of a solid relationship which was something he felt he couldn’t give me at the time, so eventually we separated.

Crossing paths—again.

One day I was chatting to my mom about his family, only to find out that both our families knew each other years ago. Both our fathers lived in the same road, my parents went to his parents’ wedding, we had mutual friends growing up even though we didn’t know each other, and my mom says she frequently bumped into his mom in malls. So even though we were little, we kept crossing paths. Our dads worked in the same building, and now work together almost 15-20 years later.

Still crossing paths after 20 years.

We now live in the same street, 20 years after my parents moved away and somehow we all share an address again. Is this fate? Cause I can honestly say no matter what happens and with who, the feelings we have for each other have not changed and the chemistry is still stronger than ever. Help please!!!

— Nikki, South Africa

That said, you and “the guy” might be meant to simply cross paths as you have been. You might not be destined for a relationship any more “solid” than that.

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