Another life passed before me like a film.

A few years ago I was hosing down my green house after cleaning it, it was a sunny day and I was relaxed and enjoying the cold spray. Then I saw before me like a film, another life, it passed before me like a film. I remember thinking, this is my real life, it was so familiar to me. I was not drowsy or in a trance, I actually looked away at my garden and home, just to make sure I was ‘with it’!

The life I was seeing was more real to me.

When I turned back the ‘vision’ continued, and I felt again the life I was seeing was more real to me. I tore my eyes away, and sat down feeling almost bereaved and everything I had seen disappeared from my mind.

When I was in my 30s I suffered from sleep paralysis, which was frightening. I would literally sit down close my eyes and find myself unable to move. But more frightening was sometimes when I found I could open my eyes, I’d find myself in a strange place.

— Carol, England

That’s happened to me, too, Carol, including your “bereaved” feeling. Your description is spot on. I believe we grieve for loved ones, in that time, in that place. Or are simply missing something, same as we long to return to a favorite moment when all seemed right. Thanks for your story.

— Kat