
Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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Love from a Past Life Remembered

Love from a Past Life Remembered

I born in Brazil 1963 since then I remember. I know that person I used to call him John. I tell all my little friends that one day I will come to United States and will be together forever and I grow-up and the feeling getting so much strong. Was it love from a past life that I remembered?

I was in my twenties I call him Nickola J. I know he is or was a soldier. I remember three little girls: Elizabeth, Carolyn, Sarah and there is another one, Rebecca, but I never get to hold. I don’t know.

I’m married for 28 years to a wonderful man James. I living in United States for 30 years, but I never love no one that way I love that person on my mind is so real that I watch to see if I found him or ever I go all the feeling still in my heart. I never told no one, they will think that I have a bad problem. How that you miss and love this much and remember smell so much more of a person that don’t exist. But you know he exists because you remember so many years past and that feeling still strong. What is this that I can’t forget and stop love?

— Celia, Florida

Thanks for your story, Celia. Perhaps you are remembering a love from a past life. Your love sounds intense. Maybe you lived together during a recent past life, Maybe it ended suddenly. I believe spirits bound by love will be reunited. Try not to get hung up on remembering names or even appearance, but know that when you are reunited, you will know each other.

I find these accounts of past life memory most fascinating. You’ll find several more similar stories on this site in the category: Fate & Reincarnation. —Kat

Premonition of danger to sister.

Premonition of danger to sister.

I have the ability to touch a touch a picture or an object and do psychic telemetry. I can also do remote viewing. These abilities only happen on occasion. I do nothing special.

On 7-18-16 I finally got a week vacation from my job.

I work in a hot factory. The job is on the graveyard shift. I am a night owl. Up all night. Sleep all day.

On 7-19-16 I was cleaning my house. It was late at night and finally I felt sleepy. I picked up a picture of my sister Gina misplaced. The picture was sitting by the kitchen sink. I had not talked to Gina in years. Gina was 9 years younger than me and we were not close as children.

I had not heard from Gina in years.

Gina chose to stay distant to me and my 3 children. In 2006 Gina finally had a baby girl she named Lillith. I had not heard from Gina in years. Gina wanted to remain distant. I picked up the picture of Gina and put it by the computer at 5 am. I then proceeded to turn off the computer and got to my room and sleep.

I turned on the air conditioner and hear the roar of the fan. Those noise, and me snuggled up in my blankets, made me fall asleep for a while. At 11 am I woke up and let my German Sheppard out to the bathroom. Then at 2:30 pm I could hear my grown son rapping, singing in the next room between sleep.

I went into a sleep state and saw a dream appear like a video in front of my eyes.

I saw the sign Columbia College. The study hall appeared clean and empty of students. I could see my sister Gina studying. She had her hair combed nice and neat. It was blond and her clothes were new and nicely pressed, shirt and slacks. She looked like she was studying for an exam.

The premonition of danger to sister began when my dream turned dark.

Then the dream flashed to darkness. In the darkness I heard a loud voice. “Your sister’s life is in danger. Your sister’s life is in danger. Your sister’s life is in danger.” The voice yelled demanding me to do something. “Your sister’s life is in danger.” Over and over the voice yelled this.

I woke up and wanted to call her. But she never gave me her phone number. The voice terrified me. I was shaking in my bed. I then wanted to call the police. But what would I tell them. I finally contacted Gina on Facebook. She gave no response.

— Carri, United States

Thanks for sharing your story, Carri. I wish you had included the result. Did you continue efforts to contact Gina? What happened to Gina? Maybe this powerful dream was her way of grabbing your attention.

You’ll find more true stories of Premonitions that warn of danger to someone you know like family, friends, and loved ones in our Personal Premonition category. Use the Select Category drop down menu to see the complete list of categories. —Kat

Pet ghost dog. “I watched him plain as day.”

Pet ghost dog plain as day.

I lost both of my dogs in the fall of 2011 to lymphoma. My Golden Retriever was only 8, but had been suffering from epilepsy since he was 2 years old. My Duck Toller Mackenzie was only 7 and had been previously a healthy happy boy. My wife and I were devastated beyond belief when it happened. We got another Duck Toller and we love him dearly. We never had an experience with seeing our deceased boys for the first year. We had them both cremated and we keep their ashes in a spare bedroom.

“We would get bumped in the legs …”

After a year had passed we would get bumped in the legs in the kitchen, and we would see the red hair of a Duck Toller. Thinking he was our boy, we never gave it much thought (they are both physically similar), until we noticed him sleeping at the other end of the kitchen. Ever since, we would catch glimpses of him and hear his nails clicking on the floor going down the hallway.

Our pet ghost dog “comforts us.”

The other day I was at the fridge and felt a dog bump me. I almost tripped and fell on him, but managed to stop myself. I watched him go down the hall into the dark, as plain as day. His tail was up and wagging. I told my wife, the dog’s ready for bed, come see. I turned the light on and no dog. My wife pointed back to the other end of the kitchen, and there was our dog fast asleep.

We have never seen our Golden, but he was so sick for so long, that he must have been ready to go. Our Toller wasn’t. We both find it comforting that after 5 years since his death, he’s still here to comfort us.

— Rick, Canada

Thanks for sharing your story, Rick. Seeing, hearing and even feeling the nudge of a beloved pet who has passed is a common theme. DreamWatch has received more Pet Ghost stories than any other category. You can find similar stories in our Pet Ghost, Animal Ghosts category at this link or by choosing from the Select Category drop down menu. Thank you for writing. —Kat 

The strong smell of flowers. Wonderful fragrance of perfume.

The strong smell of flowers…

Last night I was in bed and just about to settle in to sleep. I had just watched a movie. I don’t think the movie matters but I will mention it. I watched “Rock Star.” So, I was laying in bed and the most wonderful fragrance of perfume came over me. The strong smell of flowers. I was smelling the air, the comforter, the sheets. It was a great smell. I thought, wow—this is so nice but what does this mean? I didn’t feel afraid or unhappy at the time just that I liked the smell. I fell asleep.

She smelled just like the strong smell of flowers I smelled last night.

So, today I had a dentist appointment at 7:30am. The dental hygienist who I’ve never met sat next to me to work on my teeth. She had the fragrance on. I thought to myself this is crazy, she smells just like the wonderful smell I smelled last night. I wasn’t going to mention this but I just had to. I asked her, “What are you wearing?” She replied, “Oh is it bothering you? I never put on fragrances in the event of clients being allergic.”

“I’ve never had this kind of experience happen to me before.”

Then I told her about last night. I told her I didn’t want her to think I was a nut, but I’ve never had this kind of experience happen to me before. Again, I want to mention that I have never met her before and that she is new to my dentist office. We’ve never crossed paths!

Final note: I don’t have anxiety going to my dentist. So, going to the dentist is not a factor in this situation. What do you think?

— Denise, Arizona

Thanks for sharing your story, Denise. Smell is a common and powerful theme in true paranormal stories. Some of my early memories of moving into a new home include the smell of pipe tobacco. I came to learn the previous owner would light up in the den after dinner.

DreamWatch has received several similar stories from around the world. You’ll find them in our Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights category at this link or by choosing from the Select Category drop down menu. Thank you for writing. —Kat 

“Some paranormal thing … started with footsteps outside my door.”

Some paranormal thing.

Hi guys, so this thing is going on for about a couple of months. Anyway I live in an old house. I do not know the history of this house, but I have been experiencing some paranormal thing.

“It started with footsteps outside my door at around 10pm.”

At first I thought that it was one of my parents just walking around getting thing ready for the next day. But when I woke up and asked my parents what time they went to bed, they told me they went to bed at 9pm because they had a big day at work. After my parents said that, I thought it was the people up stairs. My parents told me it wasn’t them. The couple both work at the pub until six in the morning. So I got a little creeps but I thought it was just my head playing with me because I was tired, but that night something weird happened.

“That night something weird happened.”

I went to bed and I was about to close my eyes when I saw this mobile (for babies with stars) above my face. And it was going round above my head for about 20 seconds. I thought I was dreaming but my eyes were open! I rubbed my eyes and that’s when I nearly got a heart attack!!!

This bony pale face of a man was only 10 cm (approx. 4 inches) from my face!! As soon as I saw this it came towards my face really fast. I covered my face with my blanket and my heart was like about to explode. I was really scared to get up and turn the light on in my room. So I used my iPod touch to see if there was anything there. As soon as I felt I was safe, I jumped off my bed really fast and turned the light on. I felt safer than before but I still had the feeling of someone staring at me so I got my iPod out and started playing this game.

“I felt ok at first until …”

The next night I got this little night light for my room. I felt ok at first until I heard someone whisper in my ear. From then I got a lamp in my bed room and I decided to listen to music while sleeping which helps me to go to sleep without any fear. So that’s my story. I still sometimes get some really bad feeling about the house, but hope they will go away.

Second message from Saki—some paranormal thing.

Hi guys, I started having a really bad feeling about my house again and I told my mum about this. My mum didn’t believe me, but she told me to put holy water and holy oil around my room so I did what she told me to do. I felt ok now, but as soon as I turned off my room light and turned on my little blue light on the floor, the blue light exploded. Suddenly standing in the dark, I got so scared I had to run out of my room and talk to my mum.

— Saki, Sydney, Australia

Thanks for sharing your story, Saki. Your experience seems to fit in two of our true paranormal categories: Haunted Places and Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights. Look for similar stories at these links or by choosing from the Select Category drop down menu. Thank you for writing. —Kat 

Ghost dog. Collar jingling. Footsteps prancing.

My daughter has a dog that is eight months old and it sleeps in her room at night with the door closed, so it will not roam the house. She was out with friends last night and was going to be home late. As every night at bedtime we put the dog in her room and shut the door.

At 1:45 AM I heard the dog come running into the bedroom with her little collar jingling and prancing footsteps. It came to my side of the bed and scratched on the mattress side, as it is short and cannot jump into the bed and it was sniffing by my face. I did not move, hoping it would leave and go back to my daughter’s room.

The dog whimpered like it wanted to play.

It ran around to the other side of the bed where my boyfriend was sleeping and started clawing on the mattress on his side. The dog whimpered like it wanted him to play. It was sniffing by his face. It stayed there longer by my boyfriend than did me. My boyfriend abruptly awoke and looked and laid his head back down and went to sleep. I thought my boyfriend woke up because the dog was licking his hand on the side of the bed. My boyfriend fell back to sleep.

I continue to lay there motionless hoping the dog would go back to my daughter’s room. Finally the jingling stopped and I thought the dog laid down on the carpet to go to sleep. After about a minute, I realized my daughter was not making any noises in the house and I wondered if she was even home yet and how did the dog escape from her shut door?

I woke up my boyfriend and asked him what made you wake up about five minutes ago and he was startled. He said, “What are you talking about?” I said, “I think the dog got out of the room and came in here.” My daughter was not home yet.

He went and checked and opened the room door and the dog was still in the room, and the door was still shut! I never felt any breathing or smelled anything, just hearing the dog for a few minutes. It must be someone’s ghost dog! This is our family’s first dog and we are the only family that has lived in this house that we have built.

— Suzanne, North Carolina

Our crossing paths. “Is this fate?”

Our crossing paths. “Is this fate?”

So about five years ago, I met a guy through his brother as we both went to varsity together. We began to chat and hang out here and there and the chemistry between really started to grow and blossom. I always wanted more out of him in terms of a solid relationship which was something he felt he couldn’t give me at the time, so eventually we separated.

Crossing paths—again.

One day I was chatting to my mom about his family, only to find out that both our families knew each other years ago. Both our fathers lived in the same road, my parents went to his parents’ wedding, we had mutual friends growing up even though we didn’t know each other, and my mom says she frequently bumped into his mom in malls. So even though we were little, we kept crossing paths. Our dads worked in the same building, and now work together almost 15-20 years later.

Still crossing paths after 20 years.

We now live in the same street, 20 years after my parents moved away and somehow we all share an address again. Is this fate? Cause I can honestly say no matter what happens and with who, the feelings we have for each other have not changed and the chemistry is still stronger than ever. Help please!!!

— Nikki, South Africa

That said, you and “the guy” might be meant to simply cross paths as you have been. You might not be destined for a relationship any more “solid” than that.

Read similar stories from across the globe in our Fate & Reincarnation category at this link, or choose from the Select Category drop down menu.

“I began to smell the scent of perfume.”

My story is simple. It’s more of a question, since I have never experienced this before. A few days ago I was out running errands. While in this store I began to smell the scent of perfume, but there was no one around me and I was not wearing any perfume. The scent was with me even when I was at home and most of the night and then it just disappeared. I am not sure what this all means? I didn’t feel scared. The scent was not a familiar one. I have been under a lot of stress both with physical pain and at a crossroads as to what my new path in life should be? Can you explain this perfume experience? Thank you.

— Darlene, Chicago IL

Mother’s sweet perfume

Following my mother’s death, I could smell a sweet perfume in my bedroom. I called my sister to ask her if she had experienced anything similar and she had not. However, she suggested the smell may be our mother visiting. I finally prayed to my mom and asked her to only visit me during the day and after that, I never smelled anything else.

— Robert, California

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