
Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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“Spirit cat has come to me.”

Spirit Cat has come to be with me.

Hi, I’m not sure why this Spirit Cat has come to be with me. I love cats, but have not had one for a very long time, well except a kitten I found on the highway that I had to give up.

It stretched out right against my side …

For the last few days I’ve felt this spirit cat on my bed, scratching at the sofa when I lay down. But this morning it stretched out right against my side. I wish I knew what this means. I’m going through a lot right now, unemployed, not feeling great, basically lost. Maybe it just trying to make me feel better.

— Cindy, US

Premonition warnings. The day before 9/11…

Premonition warnings

Premonition warnings: I’ve had a few premonitions in my lifetime.

The earliest one I remember was when I was around 19, and I was commuting an hour to work for a “dream” job. I woke up at 3am crying my eyes out, saying over and over, “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die.” My then boyfriend just put it down to a nightmare. That day when I drove to work, my tyre suddenly burst, on the freeway. My car lost control and I went into the next lane. Luckily at that moment nobody was in that lane although a huge lorry was in the other lane (two lanes from me). Shaking, I pulled over. A man in a truck came and rescued me.

I knew something was wrong

Then in my twenties when I was in London and I was walking along with my then boyfriend, and suddenly I was overcome by this sense of absolute dread. I didn’t understand it but I knew something was wrong. Next day I got a phone call from my mom telling me my cat had been hit by a car.

An awful nightmare

With my second cat, a decade later, I woke up from an awful nightmare, having dreamt that my cat was slowing being eaten, and oddly, it was by a pool (I didn’t have a pool). Next morning, my cat was missing. No sign of him later in the evening. Put up posters around the neighbourhood. Got a phone call about a week later from a lady who said, “I don’t think you want to hear this, but I found a load of cat hair on my grass. It was probably the coyotes.” My cat never came back. I knew he’d been eaten.

Premonition warnings: I know this sounds like a lie, but it’s not.

The day before 9/11

I was browsing through a store, when suddenly I had this massive sense of impending doom. I had no clue what it was, but I recognised the horrible feeling from the times before when I’ve felt this way—before something bad happened. I went home, upset.

Next morning, 9/11 on the news.

A premonition warning of personal danger … Chatting with a man online

A much more recent premonition was just a few months ago. I had been chatting with a man online and then by text message. We were arranging to meet up. He seemed really nice, if not a bit too keen. I was genuinely looking forward to meeting him. Only the night before I was due to meet him, I dreamt that he abducted me and hurt me. I have never, ever, had any similar dream before I’ve met someone, so this freaked me out and I heeded the warning. I not only didn’t meet him—I never spoke to him again.

— Danielle, United Kingdom

Heavenly smell in India.

A heavenly smell in India: Hi, My name is Aswathy from India, I am here to share my real incident which happened 06/04/2017, early morning by 04am at my house while sleeping. I felt sudden smell which felt heavenly but just for 5 minutes. I guess the time when I personally felt this made me really crazy and I don’t know I am supposed to do that time. Am really waiting to know about that. That heavenly smell in India was really warming me. Hope that you will try to find out whether it’s just a feeling or something supernatural kinda.

— Aswathy, India


Find similar stories in the DreamWatch Archives, Phantom smells, sounds, lights.


Loud bang in Victorian house.

Victorian house with paranormal activity.

My wife and I bought a 1800’s Victorian house, had three stairs and five- and six-sided rooms, 11 rooms in total.

It was great, we loved Historic Houses.

An old lady at age 105 died there, left it to her children, the children sold it to us.

We moved in and at 2:00 am there was a loud bang that woke us up.

A loud bang woke us …

I thought maybe someone was breaking in, I got up, turned on the lights and went downstairs. As I passed the room full of unpacked boxes, my son’s battery operated cars in the boxes started ringing their sirens.

Our Victorian house with every thing haunted, including the kitchen sink…

When I went into the kitchen, the sink faucet was on full blast, I shut it off.

… In the bathroom …

I stopped at the first floor bathroom and found everything on the back of the toilet, now in the toilet. I pulled the stuff out of the toilet to dry.

… In the dining room …

I went into the dining room. Tea cups and their saucers that had been on the mantle were now on the floor, all were unbroken as if placed on the floor.

These events continued for one year’s time.

In that time my wife and I decorated, papered and painted the house in the decor of the 1800s. The boiler was 100 years old and ran on 100 year old mili-volt system. We used an outside clothes line to dry our clothes and we washed our dishes by hand. We lived more in the period of the house without modern dryer, dishwasher or a microwave.

Victorian house brought back to life

Our work on the Victorian house brought it to look like its original glory days.

After one year the strange things stopped all together, at the same time we had finished our work.

I often think about the things the house did. I always rationalized that vibration and rational reasons must have caused it. But I can never explain …

Why did they STOP!

I believe the house was finally happy with us and the work we did for the house, that is why they stopped.

We lived another nine years in the Victorian house, but …

I never felt alone in the house, I always felt someone was with me, especially when I was alone in the house.

— David, Massachusetts


Read more True Paranormal Experiences at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. Narrow your search for specific topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu.


Earthquake premonition.

An earthquake premonition. “I’m scared.”

Ok, I don’t know how to start this. I have had precognitive dreams for all I can remember, but this one was big. I know it was a premonition cause I get a weird feeling when I get one. It was about an earthquake somewhere in the world, and people were screaming. I don’t know what to do and if I can prevent it. I’m scared.

— Tyler, Tennessee  (submitted March 12, 2017)


Tyler, thank you for sharing your earthquake premonition at DreamWatch.com. I understand you’re scared. This type of dream can feel as real as if you were there. Hearing people scream can make you feel helpless, and the reality is there is nothing we can do to prevent an earthquake.

I suggest you continue to take seriously your premonitions. Someday you might be in a position to help. Best wishes,


For more about earthquake premonitions and other natural disasters, visit our archived category: True Paranormal Premonitions & Dreams: Natural Disasters


Grandma’s perfume. Phantom smells at 3am.

Grandma’s perfume. “I got the chills.”

This Saturday my grandma stayed with us and slept in my room, I slept in my sister’s room. While in bed in my sister’s room I smelled my grandma’s perfume and I got the chills instantly.

Later came another smell, it was my grandma’s hair lacquer spray. Then I smelled food I don’t remember what food it was though. I believe all those smells occurred between 2am and 4am, cuz I didn’t look at the clock, but I didn’t have more smells when the sun came up, and I finally could sleep well.

So now it’s Monday and I had smells last night (Sunday), too. It was toilet paper. I looked at the clock and it was 2:30am.

“A spirit messin’ with me.”

I turned on the light for a moment and went back to sleep. I had no more smells. I believe turning the light on helped. I really believe a spirit or whatever it’s called is messin’ with me. I hope this helps for someone. Just turn the light on, maybe it goes away.

— Wilfrido, Venezuela


Thank you, Wilfrido, for sharing your story about Grandma’s perfume and other unexplained smells. Phantom smells are common. We’ve assigned a Category all for them. For similar stories visit our True Ghost Stories: Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights

It’s also noteworthy that you awake around 3:00 AM. The hours between 2 and 4 are thought to be the time of night when spirits are most powerful. This time of night associated with the supernatural is often called the “witching hour.” 



Little boy ghost and ghost dog Molly.

Little boy ghost.

My border collie Molly had to be put down about two weeks ago due to a terrible cancer. We were so bonded. I loved her beyond words. I haven’t seen or heard her ghost but I’m expecting some sign and here’s why: I live in a very very old house and we do have a ghost—a little boy ghost about 6 or 7 years old. I saw him twice coming up the front sidewalk, shortly after we moved in, and then he’d just disappear.

My mother came to see my new house and she saw the little boy ghost too; he was sitting on the landing of the stairs leading up to the bedroom, watching us downstairs. That was about 40 years ago and nothing since so I thought the boy was gone, but he’s still here.

“Did you hear that?”

My plumber recently was kneeling on the floor, working on an upstairs bathroom pipe and he loves this old house so I was telling him about it, including the little boy ghost story. That’s when we both heard a bell ringing twice downstairs and the plumber looked at me puzzled and asked, “Did you hear that?” Yes, and we both knew there was no one else in the house. I went to the windows and looked out but of course there was no one on the road, no one ringing a bell. The little boy ghost had been listening to me telling about seeing him and he was letting us know that he was listening.

Hoping to see ghost dog Molly.

I didn’t even remember just then that there even was a bell downstairs but there is; it sits on a windowsill in the sunroom and only is noticed when I dust. So now I hope the little boy ghost appears once more and that my dog Molly is sitting or standing beside him.

The only thing that worries me is that Molly was put down at a vet center an hour from here. I left her to be cremated.

Could her spirit have followed me and my son and my sister (who were there to say goodbye) back to our car and back here to her home?

I hope she isn’t lost and looking for us at the hospital. I talk to her every night when I go to bed. I want her to know that she is loved and missed. Maybe with her company now the little boy ghost will be able to find peace, too.

— Nancy, Pennsylvania


Thanks for your story, Nancy. I believe spirits are not bound by limitations of the physical world. That Molly was put down at the vet’s makes no difference. Molly would find her way home, or to your spirit energy no matter where in the world. That’s my opinion. I hope you see her and that her spirit will comfort you. It’s so sweet of you to think of Molly’s spirit bringing peace to the little boy ghost.

— Kat

You’ll find similar stories archived in five categories at True Ghost Stories.


Dread filled dreams. Premonitions of death.

A beautiful child. Dread filled dreams.

My niece was born in 1988. She was a beautiful child and not just because she looked more like me than she did her mom. When she was 3 and I was 31, her mother started a new relationship and I was given the opportunity to spend most weekends with my niece. I had not yet had children of my own so I welcomed the time.

In 1992 I married to a man who had a daughter from a previous marriage who was also born in 1988 and very quickly she and my niece became besties. My niece continued to spend a lot of time with us.

A terrifying dream. I woke up in tears.

In late January or early February of 1994, before my niece turned 5, I awoke from a terrifying dream. The details were not clear, but for the first time in my life I woke up in tears. I was inconsolable, screaming to my husband that my niece was dead. He assured me it was just a dream and that she was not dead, that she was fine.

In July of ’94, I got a call from my mother, telling me she needed me to come to her house, insisting I come right away. When I got there, she told me that my niece had been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

For the next 6 months I helplessly watched in horror as my sister and I took her to multiple appointments in an attempt to identify and treat whatever type of tumor my niece had. The tumor was never identified and my beautiful niece died in January, 1995. She was 6 years old.

Dread filled dreams

After she died, I thought about other times I had dreams filled with dread, dreams where a loved one had died. The first dream was about the man who would become my husband. He and I had broken up and he was moving to Colorado. I knew he would never make it back alive.

He did come back, safe and sound. I didn’t think much of the dream until years later when a freak accident killed his younger brother, in of all places, Colorado.

For the past few weeks, I have felt a strong need to spend time with both of my sons who are attending the same college that is about two hours away. It was strange because we talk all the time and they have only been gone for six weeks. It took a while to coordinate, but yesterday we made it happen and we shared a great afternoon together.

Another dread filled dream of death

Today, I woke up in tears from another dread filled dream of death. My eldest son had given his life to save his brother from cancer. While it made no sense that his death would somehow prevent his brother from dying, it scared me deeply.

When I woke up and when I stopped crying from the fear that this could be another premonition, I called my best friend. She was aware of my previous dreams and I knew she would not think I had gone crazy so I told her about the dream. My friend said it was probably just a protective mom dream and that she had experienced that same type of fear when she was pregnant with her son and had a dream of death. She told me it was probably because I had just spent time with them and it was just my brain processing recent events.

I hope she is right and that by telling another person, somehow it will prevent another “dream come true.”

— Carolyn, Virginia


Carolyn, I’m sorry for your loss.

— Kat

Find more True Paranormal premonitions in our Premonitions Category.


Ghost cat? The “tak tak tak” of kitty paws…

Did I hear the kitty paws of a ghost cat?

I have only lived in this house just over one year, and was lying in bed reading. It was around 11:30pm. Outside my bedroom, I very distinctly hear the “tak tak tak” of kitty paws as if a ghost cat were coming down the hall. I immediately thought my cat Geekers was coming up to bed like he usually does.

I got up to look but he was already asleep at the end of my bed. He raised his head at the same time, suddenly wide awake, and jumped from the bed to the dresser. He looked up at the ceiling like he was following something with his head and then he stared intently at the bedroom doorway for a couple of minutes before slowly going out into the hallway like he could see something out there.

I saw nothing, but Geekers stared intently like a ghost cat was there.

From my bed, I watched Geekers trying to decide what to do. I was home alone and was concerned about what might be out in the hallway that could make that loud of a noise. Finally, I got out of bed to look down the short hallway but could see nothing there but Geekers still staring intently down to the end of the hall like there was something there.

— Norma, Canada


Thanks for story, Norma. Animals do seem to be more sensitive to unseen energies from the “other side.”

— Kat

For more animal ghost stories visit our True Ghost Stories category: Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts.


Child’s vision predicts destruction and loss.

Destruction and loss.

My child’s vision — On July 18th, 2016 my 4 year old daughter Emily suddenly awoke at about 10:30pm. I put her down for the night a few hours earlier. Crying hysterically, she told me she keeps thinking about all her toys being lost, our two dogs being gone, and not having a place to live because our house is destroyed.

No place to live.

She described a vivid vision of not having a house anymore because it got knocked down. She described our dogs not being there anymore after the house went away, with us being unable to find them. All of her toys and belongings are gone along with the house. Our family had no place to live.

We just moved back to New York from Texas and now live close to the South Shore of Long Island, and in recent years hurricanes have had a much more devastating impact on Long Island than in decades, even centuries past. (Hurricane Sandy completely obliterated the South Shore in 2012.) Emily was wide awake and saying she still sees the vision. My child’s vision has me concerned that a hurricane that occurs this year or within the next few years may have a devastating impact on our family.

Premonition has run in my family.

Premonition has run in several members of my family, especially my Aunt, who has had visions of several major events in our lives. She predicted my engagement, a major bout of marital issues that occurred for us, and began having visions of a mixed race Asian/white baby after our daughter was conceived (but before we told anyone about it).

To a lesser extent, I have had premonitions in the past, but I am more of a moderate level empath (able to completely absorb emotions from individuals as well as large groups of gathered people in an enclosed single area).

I once had a major premonition of catastrophe hitting Japan, and this occurred mere days prior to a devastating typhoon hitting Asia during the 1994 Spring typhoon season. I was 11 years old at the time.

My child’s vision.

Since my daughter has been born, she has had two incidents prior to this one. There is no history of premonition in my wife’s family, only my own. I’ll be watching the weather quite more often moving forward due to my child’s vision.

— Mike, New York


Thanks for sharing your story, Mike. Best wishes to you and your family. Be safe.

— Kat

For similar premonition stories, see our Premonitions & Dreams category of Natural Disaster.

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