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Intuition or premonition of a death?

Intuition or premonition of a death?

An intuition or a premonition? I’ve always had an intuition about things. A few years ago, I had a dream about my cousin. In my dream she passed away and I saw her funeral. I told her about the dream. She looked at me, but she wasn’t surprised.

About a month later, we were arranging her daughter’s surprise baby shower. I talked to her on the phone on my way home from work. A half hour later she was dead from a massive heart attack. I felt so guilty because I told her to go to the doctor and she didn’t go.

I had a similar dream about my grandmother, but I kept that dream to myself. I had so many dreams that have come true, it’s scary.

— Chiitra in New York


Intuition or premonition?

Premonition = Future Event. Clairvoyance. In my opinion, this story tells of a premonition of a future event. A cousin’s death and funeral were seen in a dream, and the story’s author writes of a similar dream involving her grandmother. Premonitions — visions of a future event — often come in dreams when our busy minds have gone still and are most receptive.

Intuition = Immediate Insight. Instinctive. By definition, intuition refers to an immediate insight without using conscious reasoning. Is it possible the author knew of risky lifestyle behaviors, did she subconsciously sense subtle physical signs of an impending heart attack that then formed a dream story of her cousin’s death? Possible, I guess.

NOTE:  My thesaurus mixes intuition, instinct, clairvoyance, sixth sense so I guess the lines are a bit interpretive. That said, I’ll go with Future v. Immediate.

— Kat


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Danger Dressed in Black

Danger Dressed in Black

I dreamed the night, or the night before, (of) the daughter of a man I know. We (the daughter? and he) was going to the same school before many many years. I had many many years to talk with her. Her father last time I see him was before some months in a coffee shop during the COVID measures. The woman (the daughter?) was wearing black clothes and black high boots. She was in front of me. I talk to her and she didn’t reply.

That day at work I (was) informed about a deadly accident and (I) go with my colleague from the department (where) I work to investigate. He (a co-worker) fell while work(ing) from a big height and break his head. Blood everywhere around his head. He was her father.

Another premonition of danger

I had another experience at the middle of 2017. I see two faces, one had his face paint white and other was blond. Staring at me. Especially the white one. That week my dad get sick and died.

I just wanted to write somewhere about that.

— Hunter in Europe

I find the black and white imagery interesting — the woman dressed in black and white painted face both warning of danger and death. Hmmm …

I wonder if the dream was showing a future time when the daughter was dressed in black for her father’s funeral.

— Kat

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Premonition Dream about Birth and Death

Premonition Dream about Birth and Death

On 2/6/20, I had this very vivid premonition dream about birth and death …

I woke alone up in my bed. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. I reached down and touched my belly. I was pregnant and immediately knew it was my sister’s baby. I started to have cramps and recognized I was already ready to push (it would have been my 4th child). I called for my husband but no one was home.

“I delivered the baby.”

I remember feeling a deep sense of calm and peace. I delivered the baby. It was a beautiful baby girl, she came out smiling. In my dream, I looked at the clock because I knew my sister would want to know the time of birth it was 10:37am. I got out of bed to collect a towel and scissors to cut the cord.

“An overwhelming sense that someone died…”

This is where I got curious about where my family was … I looked out my daughter’s bedroom window which faces the front of the street. I saw my entire family walking into my driveway heading into the backyard. There was a priest there. I had an overwhelming sense that someone died. I raced to my bedroom window which faces the backyard and looked out. It was a funeral service in my backyard. I knew it was an immediate family member. Then I woke up and immediately called my sister to tell her.

On 2/28/20, my father passed away unexpectedly.

My sister found out she was pregnant in June with a due date of 2/21/21.

— Liz F. in Massachusetts

At we categorize premonitions about family, friends, loved ones or someone you know in our Personal Premonition Archives.

Read more premonitions, ghost stories, and more at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. Narrow your search for topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu or use the Search text field at the bottom of every page.

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Dream Predicts Sister’s Death and More

Dream Predicts Sister’s Death

I had a crazy weird dream, but what I remember most was a little Chihuahua type dog, but not a Chihuahua, circling around a water type grave refusing to come to me when I called.

I woke up totally distraught, crying very hard. That had never happened to me before. I went to my sister’s and told her and also told my niece. The very next morning I received a call telling me my sister (MY VERY DEAR SISTER), who I told about the dream had passed away. Her dog is a Chihuahua mix. I can’t tell you how horrible it feels.

Last week I had a dream where I was with my son’s girlfriend and an Asian lady says, “Oh, the baby will look like you and her.” Meaning Her and I.

Tonight I found out I’m going to be a grandma for the first time. But what troubles me is a dream I had around the same time. I can’t shake it. It’s about my son, and it’s not a good one. The same foreboding feeling! What do I do?

— Amy in USA


In my opinion, whether you tell someone about a premonition or not has no affect on the outcome. You can simply warn them to be careful, but what will be, will be. I believe premonitions are meant to prepare us for what is to come so we won’t be blindsided when it happens.

— Kat

Read more premonitions, ghost stories, and more at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. Narrow your search for topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu or use the Search text field at the bottom of every page.

Tell us your story. When something strange and inexplicable like this happens to you, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.


Dream of Universal Flood Not from Earth

Dream of universal flood

I just woke up from a dream that we were headed for a universal flood. 7/24/20. First I got a broad view from above, all the water on a coastal line receding. Then I jumped to a place where I saw a tank of water with mandarin oranges in it. The all capitalized letters in white appeared floating in the tank saying, “The Flood.”

Cities, landscapes and nature are not from Earth

These places I dream of every night are not from Earth—cities, landscapes, nature—they all are places I’ve never witnessed before personally or on TV. So we are getting into these pods that hold people and (the pods) last in the water for long periods of time. The mandarin oranges is what we had to eat. There were times when I was talking to women on a bus, arguing that we should go no matter the outcome of our fate in the pods.

I saw London halfway underwater too. I don’t know, but the way things are going in 2020, I thought, I’d share. I’ve had other premonitions before as well.

—Sarah in Indiana


Sarah, thank you for sharing your dream about a universal flood. I look forward to reading more of your premonitions in the future.

— Kat

Read more Dreams & Premonitions in our Natural Disaster Category.

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Odessa Premonition Misplaced

Odessa Premonition — Misinterpreted. Misplaced.

ODESSA burst into my conscious mind from out of the blue. It grabbed my attention so suddenly, I stopped what I was doing to ponder why. I recognized it as an Odessa premonition and immediately thought of Odessa, Ukraine, a lovely city on the Black Sea where I had visited years ago. I wondered if something was about to happen there?

Odessa premonition lingers.

Thoughts of Odessa persisted several times a day for two days though I couldn’t figure out why. I mentally revisited the sights I’d seen in Ukraine strolling along the Black Sea coastline, the souvenirs I bought, the show at the concert hall, the millions of jellyfish. A lovely visit but what of it?

Breaking News in the other Odessa.

I watched the news. Breaking News. Another mass shooting. Again in Texas — Odessa, Texas! I wonder if I had focused on the premonition if details would have become clear and accurate. My common fault. It tried to get my attention, but life got in the way.

My geography is often inaccurate when it comes to premonitions. It’s funny, because in real life, it’s pretty good.

— Kat in Connecticut

Read more Dreams & Premonitions in our Man-made Incidents Category.

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Toe-walking deer dance premonition

Deer dance premonition dream

In my deer dance premonition dream I was with the head instructor of a wilderness school. I participated in their Basic Skills week, held in the deep forests of central Maine. In the dream we worked on a more difficult tracking exercise, at least for me.

As I looked into the forest clearing I saw deer that shifted into a group of people—several men and one woman—doing a specific toe-walk. They would put the ball of the foot down and then lift the heel quickly and gently from the ground. They were wearing moccasins. The woman wore black leotards and a black skirt like a dancer, with hair tied in a bun like a ballerina. Men surrounded her on three sides. They toe-walked in unison.

A message and a gift from the deer people

The deer people gave me a message and a gift. They were showing me a specific walk that would help to camouflage a group walking in the woods if everyone did this together.

When I awoke, I felt elated, light-hearted, and thought seeing deer shift into human form was pretty cool.

I did not know this form of walking in the woods, and when I went for walk, I did not experience any contact with deer.

I wrote to the wilderness school. They confirmed that yes, in fact, there is a deer walk used to stalk and track in the forest. The wilderness school encouraged me to practice the walk as given in the dream.

Deer dance dream proved true

Later on, in the fall of that year, I attended a workshop for dreamers given by a dream shaman. One of the participants was a member of an ensemble that performed a deer dance that dates back to the 1100s in Europe.

  • A group of men acting as the deer re-enact the deer dance.
  • They walk using the ball of the foot and gently lifting their heels.
  • There is only one woman involved.

—Judith, Connecticut

I love the detail and how it actually played out in real life.

Read more from Judith on my personal blog, Writings on the Wall, where she writes about Nature Teaches with surprising results. More about Judith Dreyer, author, speaker, teacher, on her website.



Emoji Premonition. Unique Messaging Warns of Change.

Emoji Premonition

In April of 2018 I was adding an event to my iPhone calendar and noticed on May 4th the word CHANGE!!!! and a butterfly emoji.  I had not put it on the calendar. I asked my husband if he knew what it was and he didn’t. We searched the internet to see if this was a weird glitch, we could not find anything about it.

“A horrible feeling of dread came over me…”

Then a couple of weeks later I had a horrible feeling of dread come over me. My husband took me out for a drive, like we always enjoyed doing, to help cheer me up. He ate munchkins and behaved like he never had them before, then got a slice of pizza, his favorite flavor, and couldn’t say how delicious it was.

Three days later on the 24th—20 days after the “CHANGE”—my son and I were driving to our jobs together and my ears started ringing very loudly, and I asked him if his ears ever ring. It was very distracting.

Premonition of CHANGE

Around noon I received a call saying my husband was in the hospital with a medical event. He died the next day and donated many of his organs. I received a card in the mail from the organ donation organization and on its cover was a butterfly. Since then butterflies appear frequently and as if they are there to assure and comfort me.

—Eileen, Rhode Island

Eileen, thank you for sharing your Emoji Premonition story. I’m so sorry for your loss. Reading your experience was a comfort to me as well, as an example of how the spirits of loved ones assure us they remain close when we recognize signs from the other side.

(Note to readers: I’m not clear if butterfly emojis or real butterflies appear frequently.)

Readers, About Organ Donation: One deceased donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation, and enhance many more by donating tissue. For information, facts, stats, and stories about organ donation, visit:


Read similar true Premonition stories archived at:  DreamWatch Personal Premonition

Volcano Tsunami Premonition. Tsunami that Swamped Indonesia caused by Volcano’s Underwater Landslides

Volcano Tsunami Strikes Indonesian Coast.

A few days before Christmas, Dec. 25th, 2018, I was telling someone a bit of movie trivia about the 1968 film Krakatoa East of Java. The thought came from nowhere, not volcanoes or Krakatoa or Java. Who talks about that in everyday conversation? I wonder if a premonition tried to break through.

Later that same week a volcano tsunami struck the Indonesian coastline at night with no warning. People might have been warned if an earthquake had triggered the deadly surge, but there was no quake. Underwater landslides caused by the volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau to the west triggered the tsunami waves.

A premonition? Yes. And here’s why.

The volcano that erupted is known as Anak Krakatau, the name means “child of Krakatau.Krakatau is an alternate spelling of Krakatoa. So premonition points for that.

Right name. Wrong location? Krakatoa is east of Java, you say. Not so fast …

Let’s back up to movie trivia and the mistaken geography of Krakatoa East of Java. Krakatoa is, in fact, west of Java. No one noticed the blaring geographical error until advertising and promotional materials had been produced. Movie posters were printed. The film had its name. But wait, there is a big goof in the title—Krakatoa and its child, are located in the Sunda Strait at the western tip of Java. Producers decided the costs were too great to reprint, and it was too late to fix everything without delaying the film’s release date. Factual geography wasn’t important enough to make corrections at extra time and cost.

I don’t recall if I saw the film Krakatoa East of Java (it released 50 years ago), I might have watched it if only for the special effects. However, because of that movie mishap I have always remembered that Krakatoa is west of Java.

Geography. Geology. And volcano tsunamis.

Located in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is made of thousands of volcanic islands, one of which is Java. Formerly known as the Dutch East Indies, Indonesia lies across the Equator between the mainland of Southeast Asia and Australia. At a major convergence where earth’s tectonic plates meet, the Indonesian archipelago remains at high risk of seismic and volcanic activity, and resulting tsunamis.

— Kat in Connecticut

Read more Dreams & Premonitions in our Natural Disaster Category.

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Premonition of danger and death.

Dreams, dread, and weird police call.

When I was 12 years old, I was invited to go live with my Aunt in Alaska. I was completely ready to go to escape an abusive childhood. My Aunt had made all the arrangements and I was to finish my first semester of school and then move to Alaska.

Premonition of Danger

“I just had this horrible feeling…”

Well right after winter break, I started crying about going and decided I didn’t want to go. I just had this horrible feeling wash over me and I decided to stay even though I was not in a good place for a child.

Shortly after I made that decision, my mother received news that my Aunt had been killed in a house fire. I would have been there with her around that time, had I chosen to go.

A weird call from the police…

What was really weird was, right after that my mother received a weird call from the police telling her my dad had passed away. I remember it being too much for my mother and her crying. My dad had not been passed and my mother couldn’t figure out which police department had called her from where my dad lived.

My dad said he was scared.

I once also had a visit from my dad in my dreams, in one of my dreams my dad said he was scared. I went to work after I woke up and at the top of the escalators was my supervisor and one other supervisor waiting and I knew right then they had something to tell me and said it’s my dad isn’t it?

They said your mom called (I didn’t have a phone at that time), and said your dad was just diagnosed with cancer, and that I should call him.

Premonition of Death

“I had a feeling of dread…”

I called my dad and he cried to me on the phone like he had in my dream, saying he was scared and he asked me to not let the doctors take his voice away. Well my dad lost his voice, but he survived the cancer and I got a few more years with him.

One day though in June of 1998, I had this feeling that I didn’t want to go home because the phone was at home and I had a feeling of dread about answering it. So, I had my late boyfriend take me shopping or anywhere that wasn’t home until everything was closed and I had no choice but to go home.

I went home and my daughter says grandma called and that was all she said. My first question was “was she crying?” My daughter said yes, and I called my mom to learn my dad had passed away.

— Destiny, Oregon


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