Dream Predicts Sister’s Death

I had a crazy weird dream, but what I remember most was a little Chihuahua type dog, but not a Chihuahua, circling around a water type grave refusing to come to me when I called.

I woke up totally distraught, crying very hard. That had never happened to me before. I went to my sister’s and told her and also told my niece. The very next morning I received a call telling me my sister (MY VERY DEAR SISTER), who I told about the dream had passed away. Her dog is a Chihuahua mix. I can’t tell you how horrible it feels.

Last week I had a dream where I was with my son’s girlfriend and an Asian lady says, “Oh, the baby will look like you and her.” Meaning Her and I.

Tonight I found out I’m going to be a grandma for the first time. But what troubles me is a dream I had around the same time. I can’t shake it. It’s about my son, and it’s not a good one. The same foreboding feeling! What do I do?

— Amy in USA


In my opinion, whether you tell someone about a premonition or not has no affect on the outcome. You can simply warn them to be careful, but what will be, will be. I believe premonitions are meant to prepare us for what is to come so we won’t be blindsided when it happens.

— Kat

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