
Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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Volcano Tsunami Premonition. Tsunami that Swamped Indonesia caused by Volcano’s Underwater Landslides

Volcano Tsunami Strikes Indonesian Coast.

A few days before Christmas, Dec. 25th, 2018, I was telling someone a bit of movie trivia about the 1968 film Krakatoa East of Java. The thought came from nowhere, not volcanoes or Krakatoa or Java. Who talks about that in everyday conversation? I wonder if a premonition tried to break through.

Later that same week a volcano tsunami struck the Indonesian coastline at night with no warning. People might have been warned if an earthquake had triggered the deadly surge, but there was no quake. Underwater landslides caused by the volcanic eruption of Anak Krakatau to the west triggered the tsunami waves.

A premonition? Yes. And here’s why.

The volcano that erupted is known as Anak Krakatau, the name means “child of Krakatau.Krakatau is an alternate spelling of Krakatoa. So premonition points for that.

Right name. Wrong location? Krakatoa is east of Java, you say. Not so fast …

Let’s back up to movie trivia and the mistaken geography of Krakatoa East of Java. Krakatoa is, in fact, west of Java. No one noticed the blaring geographical error until advertising and promotional materials had been produced. Movie posters were printed. The film had its name. But wait, there is a big goof in the title—Krakatoa and its child, are located in the Sunda Strait at the western tip of Java. Producers decided the costs were too great to reprint, and it was too late to fix everything without delaying the film’s release date. Factual geography wasn’t important enough to make corrections at extra time and cost.

I don’t recall if I saw the film Krakatoa East of Java (it released 50 years ago), I might have watched it if only for the special effects. However, because of that movie mishap I have always remembered that Krakatoa is west of Java.

Geography. Geology. And volcano tsunamis.

Located in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is made of thousands of volcanic islands, one of which is Java. Formerly known as the Dutch East Indies, Indonesia lies across the Equator between the mainland of Southeast Asia and Australia. At a major convergence where earth’s tectonic plates meet, the Indonesian archipelago remains at high risk of seismic and volcanic activity, and resulting tsunamis.

— Kat in Connecticut

Read more Dreams & Premonitions in our Natural Disaster Category.

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Lights out. Phantom sounds of water running and more.

Lights out … then water running and TV turned on

My husband was away this weekend at a high school reunion. I turned the TV off, locked the house, fed the cat, turned the lights out, and went to bed.

At three o’clock in the morning on Saturday, I woke up and heard water running.

I listened to the water sound for a while when I was in bed to try to locate it. Thought about water going through the radiator, but didn’t have the heat on that day. Didn’t sound like it was in the pipes or the dishwasher, which was off. I got up to see what it was.

The water sound stopped as I walked out of the bedroom.

Also strange that when I got into the kitchen, the water sound stopped, but I heard voices … the TV was on! The cat was sleeping in the bedroom with me and the remote control was on the sofa with nothing near it to turn it on.

After lights out, the TV turned on!

I definitely turned the TV off. The TV wasn’t on when I went to bed. I would have heard if I left it on. I was in the next room and up for a while reading and didn’t hear it. It seems that the TV went on as I walked into the kitchen which is right behind the living room.

I turned all the lights on and slept on the couch after staying awake until 5:30 watching TV. I have no idea what it was all about!

— Nancy in Connecticut

Thanks for your story, Nancy. For centuries 3am has been known as “the witching hour,” a time when paranormal forces are said to be strongest. We’ve received several stories about TVs and other small electronic devices inexplicably turning on and off. Find similar stories in the DreamWatch Archives, Phantom smells, sounds, lights.

— Kat

Creaky Old House of Ghosts

A grandmother’s house is supposed to be warm and nurturing, filled with knickknacks gathered over a lifetime and the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. A place to test the boundaries of already loose rules. My nana’s creaky old house was all of that and more.

Creaky old house with a history of ghosts

Located halfway down a cut-through street in a small mill town in Maine, it was a rambling red two-story structure with a porch on the front and wild raspberry bushes out back for eating and making pies. Generations had come and gone, and in the early days it was common practice to give birth in the house. However, under less than sterile conditions and with limited or no medical intervention, an infant had to come out fighting for his life. From there, common childhood diseases threatened a child’s long-term survival.

Adding to the hardship, winters were long and arduous. I’d heard of a still birth after a fall on the ice and the premature death of a toddler who succumbed to what would now be a common cold. Under these circumstances, the dining room space would be rearranged for a casket for viewing before a funeral. On the side of the house, a door barely wide enough to fit the narrow box was used strictly for that special purpose.

As with any house of considerable age, stories passed along generations. I’d heard them as I was growing up and each tale seemed to be accepted by the extended family as intrinsic lore of the creaky old house.

Great-grandmother’s ghost

By the time I’d reached my teenage years, my father had relayed on several occasions about the night he saw my deceased great grandmother, whom he’d never met while she was alive. Finding himself suddenly awake in the wee hours, his eyes were drawn to the crib where I slept nearby. An ethereal female figure hovered as if checking on her baby. Not recognizing the woman, my father studied her face to memorize her features before she glided across the room and disappeared through the wall. The next day, he noticed a sepia-toned photo hanging on the wall that bore the image of the woman he’d seen the night before and learned it was my mother’s grandmother who had passed in that same room.

Grandfather’s ghost

Also prone to sharing tales, my mother often told the story of what happened after her father’s funeral one frigid January. She lay awake in the dark, thinking of how much he hated the cold and worrying about where he was. Was it cold there? As if in response, just outside her room, the landing at the top of the stairs lit with a warm glow, which she sensed was her father assuring her he was okay.

My ghost encounter

While an occasional story entertained and underscored the age of the house and the family history, none of it touched me directly. That is, until one summer when I stayed at my grandmother’s house without the rest of my family.

It was the summer between my junior and senior years of college. I was working nearby at a sleepaway camp on an idyllic lake replete with loons that called mournfully in the morning fog. The evening before a day off, my aunt and uncle picked me up and delivered me to my grandmother’s to stay the night. Nana let me sleep in her room since, as far as she was concerned, it had the best mattress.

Ghost footsteps down the hall

After we settled into our respective bedrooms and I pulled the cord on the solitary light above the bed, I lay still, listening to the quiet and reflecting on the hubbub I’d left behind at the camp. Soon I could hear footsteps approaching from down the hall. Heavy footsteps that practically echoed on the old wood floor. They weren’t my grandmother’s. At that time of night she would have worn slippers and shuffled along with no urgency.

The ghost beside my bed

These footfalls had a purpose and were closing the distance between us. My breathing quickened and grew shallow. My body stiffened and I pressed my closed eyes tighter. It would have taken a crow bar to get them open at that moment. I listened as someone entered my room and came up to the side of the bed where I lay—and stopped. All pulmonary function in my body shut down. I sensed a man and could feel him standing close. Would he reach out and touch me? Keeping my lids pressed shut, I willed whoever it was to go away. Please go away. I don’t want to know. Please go. My body broke out in a cold sweat. I listened, but there were no more footsteps. No sounds at all. Just deafening silence. Was he still there? Without ever opening my eyes again that night, at some point I finally fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke to brilliant sunshine flooding the room, and my thoughts went straight to what I’d heard the night before. Who had paid me a visit? One of my relatives who had passed long before I’d arrived on the scene? Someone more recent? I wasn’t ready to go down that path. It was too soon. Too raw.

Becoming accustomed to ghosts

Although certain members of my family had the ability to sense paranormal activity, I wanted no part of it. The thought terrified me. What if I was particularly good at it and it went beyond the occasional occurrence? Or what if I opened the wrong door and invited in a less-than-desirable spirit—something evil? At that point in my life, I couldn’t wrap my head around it and chose to construct a wall of sorts to keep it all out. Leave me alone. Please.

It wasn’t until a few years later when I’d grown more used to the idea of being open to paranormal that I began to embrace the idea. Once I accepted the very real possibility I could connect, I began to experience interactions with the other side. Unlike my initial experience, alone and quivering in my grandmother’s bed, I’ve been consistently intrigued with each one—coming away in awe and reverence. None have scared me. Not yet, anyway.

— Penny, Connecticut

This true ghost story was submitted by mystery author Penny Goetjen. See our conversation about books, writing, and life on my personal author blog: Writings on the Wall. Penny’s interview is titled: Precipice series author Penny Goetjen in conversation.

— Kat


Spirit Presence of Loved Ones Passed

The Spirit Presence of Loved Ones Passed

Loved ones passed: A few years back when I would shut the lights out with only my TV on I could feel a presence watching me. My hairs on my arms would stick up and my heart would start beating fast. This went on for about two years. I never saw anything. To this day I can feel a presence from time to time.

Sometimes I feel like someone touches me or sits next to me when my back is turned. I also hear my name from time to time, too. Could it be love ones passed checking up on me?

— Jessica in Massachusetts

I believe the spirits of loved ones passed make their presence known. I’ve had the same experience, often accompanied by the smell of flowers, pipe tobacco, or cologne. — Kat

Read more ghost stories like this at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. You can also narrow your search by using the Select Category menu in the Sidebar for topics of interest.

Phantom Smell: Cologne Worn by Deceased Husband

Phantom Smell: Cologne

My husband was in a car accident and was killed instantly. We live in bad neighborhood and my husband knows I’m scared to death here in our home at night with just my son and I. Three days later, we had his funeral services. That night our son went to stay with my father and I went on home thinking I could be strong and be able to stay there by myself.

I smelled his cologne

Around 12:30 a.m., it was the time he came in from working second shift, I was sitting on the couch where I always sat waiting on him to come home. I was crying, because I knew I would never see him come home again. I got up off my couch to go to the kitchen to get me something to drink. Out of nowhere I smelled his cologne as if it had just been sprayed.

I knew there was no-one else in the house to spray it. Is this a sign that he is here with me or was I imagining things?

Read more ghost stories like this at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. You can also narrow your search by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu for topics of interest.

Ghost? Spirit? Phantom Footsteps and a Tug of the Pillow.

Ghost? Spirit? Phantom Footsteps and a Tug of the Pillow.

Phantom Footsteps — I am not sure if my experience was a ghost or a spirit, but I do know it was not a dream. I am 37 years old and swear this has happened before. While I was asleep I felt as if someone sat in my bed which woke me, too scared to open my eyes and turn around I feel a tug at one of my pillows. Again too afraid to move I did not release a pillow and pretended to be asleep. I was truly hoping whoever it was would think I was asleep and not hurt me.

After a few tugs of the pillow I hear a few footsteps walking away. Then I quickly turn around, jump out of the bed, only to find there was no one in my house. I know no one was here.

Could this have been a ghost? Is there a message that they would want to give me? Have you heard something like this happen before? Had I opened my eyes and turned over would I have seen it? What does it mean?

— Thalia in New York

Read more ghost stories about phantom footsteps, touches, smells, and more at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. You can narrow your search for topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu.

Phantom Sounds: Footsteps and Whistling.

Phantom Sounds: Footsteps and Whistling

Phantom Sounds: Footsteps and Whistling — I awoke to a whistle at my ear. I immediately sat up on my couch and could hear what I thought were footsteps from the living room into the kitchen. I felt something … it wasn’t a dream. I sat in complete darkness and reached over to find my cell phone for some light. My heart was beating I think faster then it ever had before. I tried to rationalize the situation. It was so clear… the sound of the whistling. I couldn’t fall asleep without the light on for the rest of the night.

My dad’s spirit

In the morning I was in my kitchen and on my island counter were framed pictures that I had taken out of storage boxes the day before to clean up and put out. One photo was of my dad who passed away back in 2001 of cancer. I had cut out of a newspaper his obituary and framed it along with his picture and a poem. I hadn’t looked at the picture in years. Was this just a dream or could it have been him?

— Carla in Connecticut

Thanks for your story, Carla. In my opinion you were visited by your dad’s spirit. Maybe that you took pictures out of storage to hang, signaled the “other side” that you were open to contact. Moving things around usually stirs things with unpredictable results. — Kat


The following story was submitted in response to the above Whistling Spirit story:

A disembodied voice

Just came across your story and it sounds a lot like what I experienced just hours ago. This morning it rained cats and dogs and then we had a thunderstorm. Right after the second flash (I was turned to the right side in my bed) I heard a quick but fairly loud whistle at my ear that made me open my eyes. Right after that I heard a faint male voice and felt a touch but could not make out the words. This wasn’t the first time I encountered this.

Just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and that I’m sure it was your dad trying to get your attention by whistling. It’s strange, isn’t it, it sounds so real as if you just really heard it yet it’s impossible to “hear” a disembodied voice.

— Gary, location unknown

Read more ghost stories about phantom footsteps, touches, smells, and more at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. Narrow your search for topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu or use the Search text field at the bottom of every page.

When something strange and inexplicable like this happens to you, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.


Mysteries & Moonlight Facebook Event

You’re invited to Mysteries & Moonlight.

Join the conversation about dreams, spirits, and otherworldly topics live on Facebook.

Mysteries & Moonlight Facebook Event, Thursday, October 19, 2017, 6 to 8pm

Mysteries & Moonlight, a Facebook Event

Join DreamWatch developer Kathryn Orzech, author of mysteries, suspense, and the dark side of history; mystery author Penny Goetjen; and Julie Griffin, ghost photographer-psychic-medium in a lively discussion of dreams, spirits, and otherworldly topics. Don’t be scared, log into your Facebook account and the Mysteries & Moonlight Event and join the conversation live on Facebook.

Penny Goetjen, Mystery Author

Penny Goetjen, Mystery Author

Meet mystery author Penny Goetjen.

Penny Goetjen, a self-proclaimed eccentric, plots murder mysteries, often writing by candlelight, particularly on dark, gray days or in the late hours of the night. Fascinated with the paranormal, she often weaves a subtle, unexpected twist into her stories. When her husband is asked how he feels about his wife writing murder mysteries, he answers with a wink, “I sleep with one eye open.”

Meet Julie Griffin, ghost photographer.

Julie Griffin, Ghost Photographer

Julie Griffin, Ghost Photographer

Real Ghost stories you can see with your own eyes.

Julie Griffin began paranormal investigation nearly a decade ago when she began capturing anomalies with a digital camera. She continues to collect photographic evidence in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Pennsylvania. Gettysburg is her favorite location.

We’re excited about Mysteries & Moonlight. Please join us.

Join the conversation or simply read the Comments and Replies. We’d love to hear what you think, or what paranormal experience you’ve had. We believe! You may also submit your paranormal experience any time right here on DreamWatch.com. We’ll categorize and add your story to our searchable archive of True Paranormal Stories.  Use our contact form:  Tell Your Paranormal Story


Mysteries & Moonlight was a fun virtual event. It remains posted on Facebook for viewing only. Comments are closed. We hope to host similar panel events in the future. Check our News & Events Page on this website for updates, and Follow us on Facebook for the latest news.

Ghost Haunting at Connecticut c.1750 Inn

Ghost included in room upgrade at the inn.

An annual event I attend is held at a hotel with a nearby circa 1750 house remodeled as an inn with suites. Last year, a friend was upgraded to the inn portion of the hotel, and she showed me around her spacious, beautiful suite with a full kitchen. This year, when I was offered a room in the inn as an upgrade, I jumped at the chance. The hotel gave me the same room as my friend from last year, so I felt right at home. I texted her to tell her I had her old room and then settled in for the night.

However, my night was unsettled. I cycled through violent nightmares, most of which I don’t remember. The final one, when the alarm went off, was set in New York city and had me riding in an open front subway car that careened through twisting, diving tracks like the mining train in the second Indiana Jones movie.

A ghost is a great conversation starter.

I woke up with a terrible headache, but I went down to the group breakfast where I knew I’d meet my friend who’d stayed in that room last year. When I saw her, she told me she rejected another opportunity to stay in the inn and insisted it was haunted. I found having a ghost is a great conversation starter. Other attendees with sensitivities had mentioned either feeling a presence or had stood on the threshold of the entrance foyer of the inn and refused to go inside.

Insulted by my ghost.

After breakfast, I went back to my room to brush my teeth and talk to the ghost. I told it I didn’t need nightmares and headaches, and the word “uncouth” popped into my mind, probably because I’m slightly claustrophobic and leave the bathroom door open when I’m alone – or think I am. I agreed to keep my various bathroom activities to myself and added, “Hey, I understand you love this place and have a choice, but I hear The Light is really nice, and you should probably consider going there.”

Then, I went on with my day at the event. Every time I returned to my room, I said “hi” to the ghost, also before closing the door to the bathroom, even to brush my teeth. That night, our event had a speaker who is a ghost hunter. He said hauntings don’t tend to be malevolent, so I decided “my” ghost maybe just wanted attention, in addition to more civilized behavior from me. Before bed, I said, “I’m okay with you staying here, too, but please don’t give me nightmares and headaches.”

“Goodbye ghost. I wish you well.”

The next morning, I woke up refreshed. I thanked the ghost for not giving me nightmares. Upon checking out, I stood with my packed bags and said goodbye to the ghost. I also told it I wouldn’t mind the opportunity to visit again next year, unless it decided to go into The Light, and, if so, I wished it well.

— “Upgraded Traveler” in Connecticut


Read more True Paranormal Experiences at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. Narrow your search for topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu.

Book Trailer Red Carpet Premiere

Asylum book trailer. Now playing.

Theater curtain for book trailer announcement.

We’re ready for the premiere showing of Asylum, a dark suspense saga

I’ve been wanting to produce a book trailer for Asylum for a year. When I saw the excellent trailer an author friend had produced for her book, I could procrastinate no longer. I contacted her video producer, Jerome McLain from MaxMedia Studios. We talked about my book’s genre, plot, and characters.

The plot thickens. A story told in two timelines, 1899 and 1874, needed more than 30 seconds.

To give him a better feel for the story, I provided reference photos I had collected, a few appear in this post. The original goal was :30 (that means thirty seconds, I learned), but Asylum‘s two timelines needed more … well, time. We agreed we needed 1:00 to tell the story.

Regarding the process, I’m a quick-study. The producer might disagree.

Over several weeks, I reviewed film clips, tightened the script, and listened to music and talent for voiceover. I liked that Jerome had narrowed dozens of options to a few spot-on selections from which to choose. Then I left the editing process in his hands and he wowed me.

I’m probably not the easiest client because with my graphics background as a designer and art director, I know what I want and I’m a perfectionist. Several times I had to pull back and tell myself, nothing is absolutely perfect. Great will have to do.

Popcorn for premiere

Virtual popcorn for book trailer viewing

You’re invited!

We’re premiering our new book trailer and you’re invited to the preview. We’re rolling out the red carpet, reserving your seat, and hoping you make your own popcorn.

Facebook Event. Book Trailer Premiere.

Our Red Carpet Premiere. It might turn out to be the most exciting, suspenseful, and thrilling one-minute of fun.

Also available for viewing at the following virtual locations:  Amazon Author PageGoodreads Author PageFacebook Author Page • LinkedIn • PinterestTwitterYouTube

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