
Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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A female figure true ghost story

“A female figure standing over me.”

I don’t think this female figure is supernatural, but no one can explain to me what exactly it is, so I put it to you here.

This happened in 2014. I had been having vivid dreams and centered a lot on death, or the passing of a loved one.

I woke up to a female figure standing over me, but I wasn’t scared, in fact I looked, rolled over and put my back to it and went back to sleep.

“A cool breeze on the back on my neck.”

My sleep has been interrupted for a while now and one day I felt a cool breeze on the back on my neck multiple times—inside the house. Once I actually thought someone was blowing on the back of my neck and I turned to confront them—except I was alone in my own house.

This morning I’m hearing wind chimes. There are none unless the neighbor got some yesterday.

Anyone had anything similar happen?

— Jade in South Africa

Yes, Jade, many others have had similar experiences. See their stories on our Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights (and touches and other physical phenomena), and in our story archive of People Ghosts.

— Kat

We want to read your story. When something strange like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Submit Your Story at DreamWatch. We believe!


“I Am Not Dead.”

True Ghost Story: “I Am Not Dead.”

In my dream a person came to me and said, “Joe Jones will be coming to see you. There may be others who come, but you need to be certain it’s really Joe.” A while later I was with Joe, and we were talking. I had been housekeeper for the elderly Joe and his wife.

“What’s it like where you are now?”

After Joe died suddenly several months earlier, his wife was having a difficult time. I told her that Joe was still with her, and that he would be there for her as long as she needed him. So as Joe and I talked, I asked him, “What’s it like where you are now?” I’m very curious about everything and am always asking people questions.

His answer was quite adamant, and very surprising. He said, “I am not dead.”

— anonymous in USA

Wow, this is a great story. Joe’s body is gone but Joe lives on. Let’s hope!


Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.


Faceless ghost

Faceless Ghost – Bad Fashion Never Dies

Over the past two/three nights I have been suddenly waking up to “see” someone standing next to my bed. It is usually just a shadowed figure. However, last night I woke to a faceless man in a blue plaid suit, walking past my bed and through the wall. These dreams startle me awake, but I don’t have a feeling of anxiousness when awaking.

— Barbara in Florida

Yikes! I’d be startled too. What kind of guy wears blue plaid suits? Yuk! Apparently harmless, though I wouldn’t encourage the faceless ghost to hang around. (No offense meant to you guys who wear blue plaid suits.) Thanks for writing!

— Kat

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.


A spirit prepares to pass

A spirit prepares to pass

I awoke to an image of a young boy looking at me. Two days later an acquaintance passed away. During the service they showed a slideshow, and the boy that had visited me was a younger version of the acquaintance.

— Rhonda in Canada

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.

DreamWatch.com—True Paranormal Experiences of Everyday People—your stories in your words. Tell us your story. Contact DreamWatch. We believe!

When something strange happens, your story can help others know they are not alone.


Haunted asylum bathhouse

Haunted asylum bathhouse

Even before I knew of the haunted asylum bathhouse, a lot of weird stuff happened to me. First, let me be clear on one thing: This was at my parents’ house. When I was thirteen, my grandparents got custody over me. The activity is still happening today at my house. For some reason, I believe that spirits become attached to me. I also believe I was connected with psychic abilities as a child. It would not be much of a surprise if there was a form of paranormal phenomena happening because I always believed in the paranormal.

I lived in the town of Mount Clemens; it is a small place with some buildings and little suburbs, which I lived in at the time. It was a small, house with a basement and the garage was in our backyard, strangely.

“The place once was a mental asylum.”

A little way down is a hospital. Not the Mount Clemens general hospital, another one, near Chesterfield, I believe.

Well, I know about it because my mother was suffering from schizophrenia, which is a main reason of me having to live with my grandparents. On a visit, I spoke to her about it, and she told me the other patients had spoken about how the place once was a mental asylum. This as a matter of fact, is true. I didn’t believe it at first because, hell, would you believe someone who said that it was haunted? Anyway, my mom had said the nurses and doctors confirmed this.

“They never wanted to go to the haunted asylum bathhouse.”

The patients eerily complained about the same thing: They never wanted to go to the bathhouse. The bathhouse was in the basement part of the hospital, it was abandoned and run down. The nurses told my mom that it was just dirty, out-of-condition bathtubs, rusty water heaters, and the main electricity box.

Many patients had complained that when they went down there, (I don’t know why there was a reason to go there!) they would hear of whispers and screams and see weird things. They would hear footsteps and see black shapes at night.

The patient next to her even described having a night terror about being in the bathhouse, surrounded by doctors while she was strapped on a cold metal table and being tortured with rusty lab equipment. She had also had night terrors about getting electric therapy. At first I thought this was complete BS because my mom had obviously been drugged to calm down, and the patients may have been, too. But after a little research, I did learn that this was actually true. I one day hope to visit that place.

— Anonymous in Michigan

Note: minor edits have been made to protect privacy.

Read similar true paranormal stories in our archive of Haunted Places.


War ghosts haunt converted church

WWI ghosts haunt converted church.

Converted church in England houses WWI ghosts.

So, I live in a converted church and always feel wary that something is within my bed room or as if something is watching me. Only a few days ago I felt like researching my home and I discovered that the church car park was a grave yard back in World War I. WWI ghosts?

“I can speak to ghosts. … Something was in my bed.”

I have also found out I can speak to ghosts. I woke up feeling like something was in my bed and I couldn’t move, I just lay and then moved as quickly as I possibly could, I turned over with my back to the object. I then couldn’t sleep as I saw a figure of a women standing next to my bed so then I turned over again and tried to forget about it.

“I heard footsteps and knocking on my door.”

A few weeks later I began to see things and heard footsteps and knocking on my door. I then recorded it on my phone so that I could play it to my parents as I was hesitant to get off my bed. That night I saw a girl lay at the end of my bed and a little boy stood next to her with what looked like a gas mask around his neck. I decided to lie so that I couldn’t see anything, and woke up early hours in the morning with a child’s voice whispering in my ear.

I now see these people in my room almost once a week and feel as though they follow me round school and are watching me sleep. But these past few nights I can’t sleep and have had the bed cover pulled off me and had things going missing in my bedroom, has anybody also had this?

— Rosie in England

Read similar true paranormal stories in our archive of Haunted Places.


“Footsteps pacing … But no one was there.”

“Footsteps pacing … But no one was there.”

It was a cold October night. I was asleep until 2:37. All I can hear is footsteps pacing around my room. But no one was there. It could have been the neighbors in the apartment below. I believed that until I heard whistling in the kitchen. Still, no one was there!!! I couldn’t sleep or move. All I could think of was, “What would happen if I checked on the noises I was hearing?” I couldn’t risk it so I sat up all night till I saw the sun rise.

— Anonymous

Read more about footsteps in the night in our category: Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights.

We’d love to read your True Paranormal Experience. Submit Your Story here.


Odessa Premonition Misplaced

Odessa Premonition — Misinterpreted. Misplaced.

ODESSA burst into my conscious mind from out of the blue. It grabbed my attention so suddenly, I stopped what I was doing to ponder why. I recognized it as an Odessa premonition and immediately thought of Odessa, Ukraine, a lovely city on the Black Sea where I had visited years ago. I wondered if something was about to happen there?

Odessa premonition lingers.

Thoughts of Odessa persisted several times a day for two days though I couldn’t figure out why. I mentally revisited the sights I’d seen in Ukraine strolling along the Black Sea coastline, the souvenirs I bought, the show at the concert hall, the millions of jellyfish. A lovely visit but what of it?

Breaking News in the other Odessa.

I watched the news. Breaking News. Another mass shooting. Again in Texas — Odessa, Texas! I wonder if I had focused on the premonition if details would have become clear and accurate. My common fault. It tried to get my attention, but life got in the way.

My geography is often inaccurate when it comes to premonitions. It’s funny, because in real life, it’s pretty good.

— Kat in Connecticut

Read more Dreams & Premonitions in our Man-made Incidents Category.

We’d love to read your True Paranormal Experience. Submit Your Story here.


Toe-walking deer dance premonition

Deer dance premonition dream

In my deer dance premonition dream I was with the head instructor of a wilderness school. I participated in their Basic Skills week, held in the deep forests of central Maine. In the dream we worked on a more difficult tracking exercise, at least for me.

As I looked into the forest clearing I saw deer that shifted into a group of people—several men and one woman—doing a specific toe-walk. They would put the ball of the foot down and then lift the heel quickly and gently from the ground. They were wearing moccasins. The woman wore black leotards and a black skirt like a dancer, with hair tied in a bun like a ballerina. Men surrounded her on three sides. They toe-walked in unison.

A message and a gift from the deer people

The deer people gave me a message and a gift. They were showing me a specific walk that would help to camouflage a group walking in the woods if everyone did this together.

When I awoke, I felt elated, light-hearted, and thought seeing deer shift into human form was pretty cool.

I did not know this form of walking in the woods, and when I went for walk, I did not experience any contact with deer.

I wrote to the wilderness school. They confirmed that yes, in fact, there is a deer walk used to stalk and track in the forest. The wilderness school encouraged me to practice the walk as given in the dream.

Deer dance dream proved true

Later on, in the fall of that year, I attended a workshop for dreamers given by a dream shaman. One of the participants was a member of an ensemble that performed a deer dance that dates back to the 1100s in Europe.

  • A group of men acting as the deer re-enact the deer dance.
  • They walk using the ball of the foot and gently lifting their heels.
  • There is only one woman involved.

—Judith, Connecticut

I love the detail and how it actually played out in real life.

Read more from Judith on my personal blog, Writings on the Wall, where she writes about Nature Teaches with surprising results. More about Judith Dreyer, author, speaker, teacher, on her website.



Emoji Premonition. Unique Messaging Warns of Change.

Emoji Premonition

In April of 2018 I was adding an event to my iPhone calendar and noticed on May 4th the word CHANGE!!!! and a butterfly emoji.  I had not put it on the calendar. I asked my husband if he knew what it was and he didn’t. We searched the internet to see if this was a weird glitch, we could not find anything about it.

“A horrible feeling of dread came over me…”

Then a couple of weeks later I had a horrible feeling of dread come over me. My husband took me out for a drive, like we always enjoyed doing, to help cheer me up. He ate munchkins and behaved like he never had them before, then got a slice of pizza, his favorite flavor, and couldn’t say how delicious it was.

Three days later on the 24th—20 days after the “CHANGE”—my son and I were driving to our jobs together and my ears started ringing very loudly, and I asked him if his ears ever ring. It was very distracting.

Premonition of CHANGE

Around noon I received a call saying my husband was in the hospital with a medical event. He died the next day and donated many of his organs. I received a card in the mail from the organ donation organization and on its cover was a butterfly. Since then butterflies appear frequently and as if they are there to assure and comfort me.

—Eileen, Rhode Island

Eileen, thank you for sharing your Emoji Premonition story. I’m so sorry for your loss. Reading your experience was a comfort to me as well, as an example of how the spirits of loved ones assure us they remain close when we recognize signs from the other side.

(Note to readers: I’m not clear if butterfly emojis or real butterflies appear frequently.)

Readers, About Organ Donation: One deceased donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation, and enhance many more by donating tissue. For information, facts, stats, and stories about organ donation, visit: OrganDonor.gov


Read similar true Premonition stories archived at:  DreamWatch Personal Premonition

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