
Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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Many Voices on the Day I Died

The Day I Died

This is a story of death (or at least a near death experience) that happened to me many years ago. There was a time that I went through a very dark phase in my life. I let my negative thoughts consume me. I spent many days thinking of how I hated my life. Most days I would go to work, come home, lie down, and cry myself to sleep.

“I felt more awake than ever.”

One of these days in particular, was so surreal. I had a rough afternoon at work, came home, and flopped myself down on my bed. I remember closing my eyes, and starting to doze off. I had left my bedroom light off, but when I came to, there was a soft light in my room.

Many voices — but no one was there

My brain felt foggy, I knew I was sleeping, but at the same time felt more awake than ever. It was then that I noticed I was lying on the floor. I was supposed to be on my bed, but how did I end up on the floor? I heard soft sounds in the background and felt an overwhelming feeling of sadness. I observed that I also felt strange, as if I were not in control of my own body. Suddenly, I heard the noises again like a person was sobbing. I did not see anyone around me, and pulled myself nearer to the sound.

As I crawled on the floor my room was bigger than before and darker too. The crying sounds grew louder, and it felt as though I were at a wake. The ambience was somber and I did not know why I was there. All I knew was I kept crawling towards the source of the sound. The closer I moved towards the crying sounds, the louder and more disturbing they grew. There was no other person present but it sounded as though there were many voices.

Another chance

When I thought I had reached the sounds, I then heard a loud voice in my head. Unlike the wailing sounds I heard around me, this internal voice was firm and commanding. I clearly heard, “You better hurry up!” I felt my entire body shake and opened my eyes. I examined my surroundings and found myself back in my bed.

To this day, I cannot account for what happened. I’ve had nightmares, and lucid dreams, but this experience was very different. Since that day, the only thing I could understand from this was that I died or had a near-death experience and was given another chance.

— Anonymous in USA

For more true paranormal stories with spirit voices and ghostly sobbing, see our Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights, page right here at DreamWatch.

Read more premonitions, ghost stories, and more at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. Find topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu or use the Search text field at the bottom of every page.

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Dream Predicts Sister’s Death and More

Dream Predicts Sister’s Death

I had a crazy weird dream, but what I remember most was a little Chihuahua type dog, but not a Chihuahua, circling around a water type grave refusing to come to me when I called.

I woke up totally distraught, crying very hard. That had never happened to me before. I went to my sister’s and told her and also told my niece. The very next morning I received a call telling me my sister (MY VERY DEAR SISTER), who I told about the dream had passed away. Her dog is a Chihuahua mix. I can’t tell you how horrible it feels.

Last week I had a dream where I was with my son’s girlfriend and an Asian lady says, “Oh, the baby will look like you and her.” Meaning Her and I.

Tonight I found out I’m going to be a grandma for the first time. But what troubles me is a dream I had around the same time. I can’t shake it. It’s about my son, and it’s not a good one. The same foreboding feeling! What do I do?

— Amy in USA


In my opinion, whether you tell someone about a premonition or not has no affect on the outcome. You can simply warn them to be careful, but what will be, will be. I believe premonitions are meant to prepare us for what is to come so we won’t be blindsided when it happens.

— Kat

Read more premonitions, ghost stories, and more at DreamWatch True Paranormal Blog. Narrow your search for topics of interest by using the sidebar’s Select Category menu or use the Search text field at the bottom of every page.

Tell us your story. When something strange and inexplicable like this happens to you, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.


A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag

A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag

On Mar. 13, 1999, my Dad called me to tell me that Mom died. Massive heart attack. Though divorced, they both resided in Ohio. I lived, and still do in Arizona. This news blindsided me, as I spoke to her the previous day, and she sounded fine.

I lived with my cat of 17 years, Pinky, in a nice one-bedroom apartment. Once I got off the phone with Dad, I went outside for a walk to clear my head a bit. Was walking through the apartment complex next door to mine, and came across a beautiful blue bag, sitting on the top of a dumpster. I’ve never before, or have since, picked up anything out of the trash, but the bag was really pretty, and my favorite shade of blue, so I got up on the dumpster, and retrieved the bag.

Ask for a sign

Returned home, and set the bag on the kitchen floor. Called my best friend, and told her the news; she said she’d come by. I took a quick bath, so as to clean my face up from crying, and while in the bath, was “talking” to my Mom, saying, “Mom, you’ve got to give me a sign, because I don’t know whether I should stay in Phoenix, or go to Cleveland for the funeral.” (Could not afford to miss work by going, and was not going to leave Pinky with just anybody, due to his age. Also, the friend that came over was leaving the next day on a business trip, so there went my only potential cat sitter.) Anyhow, as soon as I said those words to my Mom, I said, “Oh no, you can’t give me a sign, cuz you know you’ll scare me to death!” (I don’t like paranormal or ghostly stuff; usually too scary for me.)

The pretty blue bag

Got out of the tub, and dressed, and with that my friend came over. We were sitting in my living room, and I was telling her about “talking” to my Mom, when I happened to look over at the kitchen. The blue bag that I had found earlier was pointing right at me with three big, bright letters staring me in the face. The letters were S-T-A. (Stay). I flipped! I ran and grabbed the bag, turns out when i set it down, there were 4 letters on the side, A-S-T-A, but somehow the first A folded back, and was out of sight. Weird!

Looked at the front of the bag, and the A-S-T-A was spelled out on the front as American Society of Travel Agents, which fits, as I would have had to make a plane reservation to go to Cleveland. Then, it dawned on me, also, as I told my friend, “Geez, that’s why you’re here, because she (Mom) knew if I would’ve done this while I was alone, I would’ve really lost it!” So…

Travel agency coincidence?

I did not go to Cleveland, but the following week, I took the bag to a Travel Agency in my town called: STA Travel. Same blue and white letters in their logo, as what was on my bag. I rattled this whole story off to the Agency Owner, who then looked at the bag, and told me his agency did not put it out, and he’d never seen a bag like that before! Even though it matched his Logo exactly. Weird!

— Christine in Arizona


Christine, Thanks for your story about A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag. I appreciate the little details and was amused by your dumpster rescue of the bag. Kicked to the curb (literally), I grabbed one of my favorite little odd chairs, tossed it in the car and sped away. Your “rescue” is a better story.

— Kat

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.

Has your loved one sent a sign from beyond? We’d love to read about it.

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A Balance of Life and Death in the Animal Kingdom

A Balance of Life and Death in the Animal Kingdom

Years ago, our family’s first cat developed chronic renal failure and eventually had to be put to sleep. We found a mobile vet who would do it in our home. My husband came home from work and then we said good-bye to our friend.

We stayed home together for the rest of that day in the living room where the kitty passed. Behind us, was an expansive plate glass bay window. We heard a loud thud, and a hawk had collided with the glass.

In all the years we’d lived in this house, we’d had many birds clunk into the window. Some survived, some didn’t. But the hawk survived. On the day we’d lost our beloved cat.

— Anonymous in Connecticut

Not only the same day, but for the glass window—the same room!

— Kat


You’ll find similar stories in our archive of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts right here at DreamWatch, true paranormal experiences of everyday people.

When something strange and inexplicable like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.

— Kat


Dream of Universal Flood Not from Earth

Dream of universal flood

I just woke up from a dream that we were headed for a universal flood. 7/24/20. First I got a broad view from above, all the water on a coastal line receding. Then I jumped to a place where I saw a tank of water with mandarin oranges in it. The all capitalized letters in white appeared floating in the tank saying, “The Flood.”

Cities, landscapes and nature are not from Earth

These places I dream of every night are not from Earth—cities, landscapes, nature—they all are places I’ve never witnessed before personally or on TV. So we are getting into these pods that hold people and (the pods) last in the water for long periods of time. The mandarin oranges is what we had to eat. There were times when I was talking to women on a bus, arguing that we should go no matter the outcome of our fate in the pods.

I saw London halfway underwater too. I don’t know, but the way things are going in 2020, I thought, I’d share. I’ve had other premonitions before as well.

—Sarah in Indiana


Sarah, thank you for sharing your dream about a universal flood. I look forward to reading more of your premonitions in the future.

— Kat

Read more Dreams & Premonitions in our Natural Disaster Category.

We’d love to read your True Paranormal Experience. Submit Your Story here.


Kobe Bryant Premonition of No. 24

Kobe Bryant Premonition of No. 24.

Between 7a.m. until the helicopter crash after 10a.m., I kept seeing the number 24.

First, I went to get gas and I usually put in $20, but I wasn’t paying attention and when I finally stopped the pump it read $24.24.

Next, I picked up a few groceries at the store and the bill was $24.10. It seemed a bit odd, but I didn’t think anything about it.

I also made a dental appointment that was booked for February 24th.

Plus, I kept seeing variations of the numbers 2 and 4 on my desk.

It stopped abruptly after 10a.m. and I didn’t give it second thought until after Kobe Bryant’s death was announced. I’m not sure if it was an odd coincidence or something more??? While I’ve gone to Lakers games in Los Angeles, I’ve never met Kobe.

—Anonymous in California

Kobe Bryant, retired professional basketball player, died in a helicopter crash along with eight others on Sunday, January 26th, 2020 at 9:45 a.m. PT. Kobe Bryant’s Los Angeles Lakers team number was 24. 

When I see this kind of repetition whether subtle or obvious, it seems the other side is determined to get our attention. I call it the “sledgehammer effect.” 

Find similar premonitions archived in four categories in our Premonitions & Dreams of the Future right here at DreamWatch.com, true paranormal experiences of everyday people. 

Ghost dog changed the music

Don’t blame the cable company. Ghost dog changed the music.

We lost our beautiful girl, Emma, last year. She ‘found’ us when she was about three months old. She was with us until she was 17 yrs. old. We did everything together and were very close, my best friend. She was an intelligent Border Collie Springer cross and seemed to anticipate what we were going to do. We buried her in our backyard under a dogwood tree.

The TV switched to another station when our pet ghost dog changed the music.

A few weeks after she went, I was listening to classical music and it was kind of mournful music. I was crying my eyes out, missing my girl. All of a sudden, the TV switched to another music station that had quite different music from what I had been listening to. I stopped sobbing and went to check the TV. I thought my hubby had changed the channel. Nope. He wasn’t anywhere around. When I shared what had happened, we both shrugged it off figuring it was a glitch.

We both heard the channel change…

Some time later, maybe a month or so, I was sobbing about Emma again. This time my husband was with me and we both heard the channel change to lighter music. I called the cable company to ask if the channels could change like this. They said no. I figured that Emma wanted us to be happy and she was letting us know she was still around. She was like my child.

I have smelled her sweet presence once in awhile.

Now, about a year and a half later, she is still letting me know she’s around. I have heard little feet walking around when no one is in the house. This morning at 6 a.m. I was awakened by the sound of something dropping on the wood floor near the bedroom door, like a bone or something that fell and rolled before it stopped. I figured my hubby was up making noise. When I asked him he said it wasn’t him. We looked for what might have made the noise but found nothing out of place or on the floor. I do believe that she misses us as much as we miss her.

We have another dog and often he will suddenly look up with his ears forward as if seeing something. Last night he did it again. Then he moves to another spot in the room. Emma was the boss and he was intimidated by her, although she was never mean. Also, it was not our other dogs feet that made the noise I mentioned above. I was taking a bath and bedroom and bath doors were shut. Our other dog was not in those rooms. I had some paper on the floor to make a sewing pattern and I could definitely hear something walking on that paper, light steps. I called out, Who’s there? but no one answered. I asked my husband if he’d been in the room and he said no. We can only assume that it’s our girl. We hope she’s happy and at peace.

— Suzanne in Canada


Thanks, Suzanne, for sharing your sweet story.

You’ll find similar stories here in our archive of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts and on the pages of Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights.

When something strange and inexplicable like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Please share your true paranormal experience. Submit Your Story here.

— Kat


Pet ghost cat plays with favorite toy

Pet ghost cat Edo plays with electronic device.

My 11 yr old tuxedo cat Edo had diabetes and I gave it shots twice a day for a year. My daughter and I loved him so very much. When he became a little ill, I had him put down. The shots, the time, the cost, was becoming too much for us.

Now, a year later, our pet ghost cat has come back.

We have this little stuffed animal pet toy cat that is broke and did not meow no more. It used to be his and then we let our kitten have it. Now this toy just meows on its own at the strangest times. I cannot make it meow myself, but it meows randomly when we look at videos of Edo, when we pet or feed our two new cats, and sometimes, for no reason at all. Also our new cat gets big and scared at nothing sometimes. (We think it’s Edo.)

Finally, in a picture my daughter took, there is an orb. Do you think pet spirits can actually make an electronic device make sound, even though we cannot get this toy to make sound anymore? I am not afraid, but wish Edo would go to the other side and have peace. Plus I fear that if I destroy this toy, he will feel that I got rid of him again.

The toy just meowed again as I am typing this.

— Rob in Pennsylvania


Thanks for story, Rob. In my opinion, messing with electricity seems to be a form of communication by our spirit friends. You’ll find many more stories in our archive of Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights. and pet ghosts playing with favorite toys here on the pages of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts.

When something strange and frightening like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Submit Your Story here.

— Kat


Ghost dog claws on the linoleum, a common pet haunting.

Ghost dog claws on the linoleum, a common pet haunting.

When I was a kid (10?), my dad had to go to work at 4:30am. The dog thought this was too early and when mom and dad got up she would climb the stairs, thumpa-thumpa-thumpa, walk to my bed, tak-tak-tak (ghost dog claws on the linoleum), and jump onto the foot of my bed until I had to get up to go to school.

After the dog had passed on, every once in a while I would hear thumpa-thumpa-thumpa then tak-tak-tak (despite the fact that my bedroom now has wall-to-wall carpeting) and then hear AND FEEL a weight at the foot of my bed.

I’m told by other websites that this is a common pet haunting.

— James in New York


I would agree, James. We have several on this site describing the sound exactly as you do. Pet hauntings in the kindest sense by both dogs and cats seem to be frequent and persistent. Read similar stories in our archive of Pet Ghosts, Animal Ghosts at DreamWatch.com

— Kat


Boy ghost in the closet

Little boy ghost in the closet. “Strange things started to happen…”

This is my paranormal experience about a little boy ghost in the closet.

My grandmother was sick with cancer and so my grandparents decided to give me her canopy bed. Strange things then started to happen the days after. Every night around 3:00 am on the dot my closet door would open and a little boy would walk out. This happened to me for seven days straight.

“I can still describe this little boy ghost in the closet.”

He had on dirty old clothes, he had pale skin, bowl hair cut, and dark eyes like the dead. He would stand at the foot of my bed for about 15 minutes or so then he would turn around and walk back into the closet. I am still afraid of the closet to this day.

— Heather in Kansas

Read similar true ghost stories in our archives of Kids See Ghosts and People Ghosts.

When something strange and frightening like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. We want to read what happened to you. Submit Your Story at DreamWatch.com, true paranormal experiences of everyday people. Your stories in your words.


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