
Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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Phantom smells. “I smell flowers or potpourri…”

“I smell flowers …”

(February 15) as I walk in for work at 6:45am I smell flowers or potpourri all day at work. I thought maybe my part-time cleaned or something, so I went home and lay down on the bed for a nap before softball practice with my daughters and I told my husband I smell flowers again. I didn’t know until I posted (about smelling things) on Facebook, when a friend said it’s my dad around me.

My dad passed away Nov. 30. My grandma passed away Jan. 28

Crazy cause after church Sunday on Valentine’s Day we are going to eat with my husband and he changes the radio station and my favorite song Luther Vandross “Dance With My Father” came on and I just started to cry so my husband says, “Do you want me to change the station?” I told him no!!

— Nicole, Texas

Thanks for your story, Nicole. Here at DreamWatch, true paranormal experiences, we’ve received many stories similar to yours. From the Sidebar Menu, Select Category: Phantom smells, sounds, lights.

— Kat

Old dog pet ghost. “Raspy breathing sound… clear as day.”

Old dog pet ghost.

Old dog pet ghost breathing: This is a true event that happened in 1988.

My parents old dog and I were born around the same time in 1977. This dog and I were very close. In 1988 the dog became sick and had a raspy breathing sound for three days before it died on the family room floor with us by its side.

“I could hear that raspy breathing.”

A few days after its death we were all in the family room and I could hear that raspy breathing sound for probably a minute. It was clear as day. I remember it like yesterday and remember thinking “This proves spirits are real.”

The weird thing is, my mom and sister were in the room too and they couldn’t hear it. After that I never heard from that dog again. It must have been a goodbye.

I’ve never experienced any direct paranormal event with a deceased person, just my old dog.

— Ray, Michigan

Ghost sightings since 5 years old

Ghost sightings since 5 years old. True paranormal.

Ghost sightings since 5 years old: Ever since I was about 5 years old, I have had experiences with paranormal things.  … I remember having a friend that was always at my house and we would play a lot. I didn’t think about it much then, but a few years after my friend “went away” I asked my mom about that friend. My mom then told me that I never had a friend like that. But then she told me that one night she woke up and found me talking to the wall. My mom asked who I was talking to, and I said that I was talking to my friend. My mom was so scared at my answer that she ran back to her room without even putting me back to bed.

“I heard someone crying.”

Another experience I had was that I woke up one night, and I heard someone crying. I walk into the hallway and I see a little boy with no face holding a broken drum. I ran back to my room and closed my door.

A male voice whispering in my ear…

(Years later) I have had a recent experience. I was trying to fall asleep but I hear a male voice whispering in my ear, but I couldn’t make out what it was saying. I sit up in my bed to see who was there, but nothing. The same thing happened again about an hour later, but still no one there.

A women screaming…

Then I hear a women screaming at me to leave her room and I booked it to my parents room and I sometimes still hear the women telling me to leave.

— Rae, California

Thanks for your story, Rae. We’ve created a special category in our archives for encounters such as yours. You’ll find it in the Sidebar Menu: Select Category: Kids see ghosts.

— Kat

Phantom scents, basil and citronella

Phantom scents in Thailand:

I have been trying to read about phantom scents on the internet relating to what has happened to me twice so far this week and came across your site. I believe in the paranormal, spirits or whatever you choose to call it. Being half Asian and living in Thailand most of my life, it is a way of life here for a lot of people. Plus, I have had a few experiences of such things myself.

Cooked food, citronella and flowers

The first time it happened, I woke up at around 3 or 4am and smelled cooked food hovering in my bedroom. I bolted up from bed thinking I had maybe warmed up some food in the kitchen and had forgotten to switch it off. I ran out to check this but nothing … I was groggy but I remember the smell lingering at the tip of my nose like the stir-fry holy basil I had made the day before. When I went back into my bedroom, the smell had gone. So I came out into the kitchen to make sure and to try and detect the smell again. Nothing. I went back to bed feeling baffled.

I was pretty spooked

Around 3 or 4am (the second time) I woke up to a strong scent of something which reminded me of citronella aromatherapy oil. The smell was really distinctive, … it was there for a few more seconds and just disappeared. Nothing. I was pretty spooked by it all and had to calm myself down some time before I could get back to bed again.

The Thais believe that if you smell flowers it mean the angels are near you, incense means a deity, and If you smell anything rotting or bad, it is from wandering spirits wanting you to make merits for them. But explain food and aroma oil smells …

— Pim, Thailand

(post edited for length)

Phantom female voice in haunted house

Female voice in haunted house

I woke up at 6AM or so to work on a project. There’s a church up the street that rings a single bell on the half hour mark (1:30, 2:30 etc). At 8:30AM the half hour bell rang, and in response I heard a very loud “Who is it?” coming from my downstairs hallway in a female voice.

I thought someone was in the house.

I freaked out because I thought someone was in the house. I went downstairs to check and there was no one there, nor did I hear any doors open or shut. I’ve never experienced anything like this.

I live in a house known to be haunted, supposedly verified by investigators. This was the first day in over 6 months I was alone in the house. I never believed in paranormal activity until today. I was a complete skeptic. There’s no other explanation for what happened.

— Neil, Maryland

Cat spirit returns

Cat spirit returns to the United Kingdom: A few days ago I had a nap of about 10 minutes and when I awoke, blinked to clear my sight, much to my amazement I saw my beloved cat sitting and staring at me. As I watched in total shock he just faded! This is the very first time I have experienced such an incident. I’m hoping he will return!

— Patricia, UK

Thanks for your story, Patricia. You’ll find many more like it right here on DreamWatch, true paranormal.

— Kat

Animal ghosts. “A presence in my home…” in Manchester

Animal ghosts linger in Manchester, England

A presence in my home: After moving into a new flat in Manchester I was waiting for my stuff to be delivered. I camped on floor for the first night in a sleeping bag, whilst I lay there I felt a spider’s web land on my face. This scared the life out of me.

Prayers for restless spirits

About a month later after getting settled I was in bed when I heard what sounded like a very big dog cross the floor and I felt what I believe was its head rub down my arm! It scared me half to death. I got my Bible and asked God to help this ghost pass over.

I have felt a presence in my home

A few weeks later I felt what seemed like a puppy jump on my bed. I repeated my prayers. I have felt a presence in my home on many occasions since. About a year has passed and I haven’t had another incident.

— Phil, England

Thanks for your story, Phil. Your encounters with animal spirits are similar to many examples submitted to this site. You’ll find them in our archive category: Pet ghosts, animal ghosts.

— Kat

Westie apparition

The day after I had to put my Westie Tassi Tara down I saw her spirit! I was walking out of a room that has a step down. I looked out of my front door and off to my right I saw a white cloud type apparition floating above the step that she was always laying on. When I looked back she was gone. I told no one that I know about this thinking my grief was so bad that I was imagining things now.

However, about a week after her passing my mother came up to me and said “you might think I’m nuts but I swear on my life that I saw Tassi Tara the day after she passed away.” She described what she saw and it was exactly the same thing and place that I had seen and I got chills (good ones). That’s how I knew for sure that my angel Tassi Tara was ok in doggy heaven. I think she came back to us just long enough to let us know she was ok.

— Michaella, Ohio

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