Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

Tag: walk through wall

Boy ghost in the closet

Little boy ghost in the closet. “Strange things started to happen…”

This is my paranormal experience about a little boy ghost in the closet.

My grandmother was sick with cancer and so my grandparents decided to give me her canopy bed. Strange things then started to happen the days after. Every night around 3:00 am on the dot my closet door would open and a little boy would walk out. This happened to me for seven days straight.

“I can still describe this little boy ghost in the closet.”

He had on dirty old clothes, he had pale skin, bowl hair cut, and dark eyes like the dead. He would stand at the foot of my bed for about 15 minutes or so then he would turn around and walk back into the closet. I am still afraid of the closet to this day.

— Heather in Kansas

Read similar true ghost stories in our archives of Kids See Ghosts and People Ghosts.

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Faceless ghost

Faceless Ghost – Bad Fashion Never Dies

Over the past two/three nights I have been suddenly waking up to “see” someone standing next to my bed. It is usually just a shadowed figure. However, last night I woke to a faceless man in a blue plaid suit, walking past my bed and through the wall. These dreams startle me awake, but I don’t have a feeling of anxiousness when awaking.

— Barbara in Florida

Yikes! I’d be startled too. What kind of guy wears blue plaid suits? Yuk! Apparently harmless, though I wouldn’t encourage the faceless ghost to hang around. (No offense meant to you guys who wear blue plaid suits.) Thanks for writing!

— Kat

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.


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