A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag

On Mar. 13, 1999, my Dad called me to tell me that Mom died. Massive heart attack. Though divorced, they both resided in Ohio. I lived, and still do in Arizona. This news blindsided me, as I spoke to her the previous day, and she sounded fine.

I lived with my cat of 17 years, Pinky, in a nice one-bedroom apartment. Once I got off the phone with Dad, I went outside for a walk to clear my head a bit. Was walking through the apartment complex next door to mine, and came across a beautiful blue bag, sitting on the top of a dumpster. I’ve never before, or have since, picked up anything out of the trash, but the bag was really pretty, and my favorite shade of blue, so I got up on the dumpster, and retrieved the bag.

Ask for a sign

Returned home, and set the bag on the kitchen floor. Called my best friend, and told her the news; she said she’d come by. I took a quick bath, so as to clean my face up from crying, and while in the bath, was “talking” to my Mom, saying, “Mom, you’ve got to give me a sign, because I don’t know whether I should stay in Phoenix, or go to Cleveland for the funeral.” (Could not afford to miss work by going, and was not going to leave Pinky with just anybody, due to his age. Also, the friend that came over was leaving the next day on a business trip, so there went my only potential cat sitter.) Anyhow, as soon as I said those words to my Mom, I said, “Oh no, you can’t give me a sign, cuz you know you’ll scare me to death!” (I don’t like paranormal or ghostly stuff; usually too scary for me.)

The pretty blue bag

Got out of the tub, and dressed, and with that my friend came over. We were sitting in my living room, and I was telling her about “talking” to my Mom, when I happened to look over at the kitchen. The blue bag that I had found earlier was pointing right at me with three big, bright letters staring me in the face. The letters were S-T-A. (Stay). I flipped! I ran and grabbed the bag, turns out when i set it down, there were 4 letters on the side, A-S-T-A, but somehow the first A folded back, and was out of sight. Weird!

Looked at the front of the bag, and the A-S-T-A was spelled out on the front as American Society of Travel Agents, which fits, as I would have had to make a plane reservation to go to Cleveland. Then, it dawned on me, also, as I told my friend, “Geez, that’s why you’re here, because she (Mom) knew if I would’ve done this while I was alone, I would’ve really lost it!” So…

Travel agency coincidence?

I did not go to Cleveland, but the following week, I took the bag to a Travel Agency in my town called: STA Travel. Same blue and white letters in their logo, as what was on my bag. I rattled this whole story off to the Agency Owner, who then looked at the bag, and told me his agency did not put it out, and he’d never seen a bag like that before! Even though it matched his Logo exactly. Weird!

— Christine in Arizona


Christine, Thanks for your story about A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag. I appreciate the little details and was amused by your dumpster rescue of the bag. Kicked to the curb (literally), I grabbed one of my favorite little odd chairs, tossed it in the car and sped away. Your “rescue” is a better story.

— Kat

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