Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

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Scary Dreams Shared by Sisters

Scary Dreams Shared by Sisters

I dream vividly most of the time and I have had disturbing, fearful, scary dreams every night for two weeks. However, I am not remembering details of the dreams, only that I am afraid or scared. I wake up, then turn on light in bedroom and go back to sleep after a few minutes.

“Two full weeks of disturbing, scary dreams.”

At the end of two weeks, my sister who lives in another state was in town visiting my parents and I told her I had not been sleeping well for the last two weeks and I mentioned my disturbing scary dreams. My sister, who does not believe in ghosts, told me the same thing! She said she seldom dreams or remembers the dreams but had been experiencing the same fear dream for two weeks also!

“Someone was in the house….”

We were both having dreams of fear as if someone was in the home that was an intruder, waking up afraid, scared. All the dreams are of waking up in the dream and feeling intense fear, someone in the house, not quite sure why the fear.

In one her dreams my sister saw an older man in the doorway of her bedroom and he was turning away to leave. He had grey hair with leg-o’-mutton (mutton chop) sideburns like Elvis or Civil War soldiers.

“I woke up again last night, scared…”

I woke up again last night, scared and turned on the light to go back to sleep. Two days later, my dreams stopped and I slept through the night. My sister had not commented on her dreams since and has gone back home to another state.

What are we seeing, hearing, feeling, that is in common? What could recurring fear dreams for two sisters in two separate states mean? Any comments would be wonderful. I am stumped.

— Donna in Ohio


Donna, thank you for sharing your story about recurring scary dreams shared with your sister. That you and your sister live in different U.S. states has nothing to do with your shared dreams, she could live on the other side of earth or the moon. The distance of space is a three-dimensional thought, which is where our bodies live. In my opinion, spirits and dreams live elsewhere. I wish I had more to offer.

— Kat

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.

Have you seen a ghost or experienced a sign from beyond from a loved one or a stranger? We’d love to read about it.—True Paranormal Experiences of Everyday People—your stories in your words. Tell us your story. Contact DreamWatch. We believe!

When something strange happens, your story can help others know they are not alone.


Ghost Girl in the Tree

Ghost Girl in the Tree

As a 19-year-old in the early nineties, I worked as a nursing assistant at a local nursing home. One day in January 1993 when I was walking past one of the resident’s rooms I was stopped by the room’s occupant. She pointed to her window and said, “There. There’s a naked girl in the tree out there.”

“I told her everything is OK …”

Her window faced the woods behind the facility, which separated our grounds from the local university. Needless to say, I did not see anyone in the tree. I told her everything is OK and went about my duties.

Frantic and tearful … “Please get her down …”

The next day she was frantic and tearful. She kept saying, “Please go get that girl down from the tree! She’s naked and it’s cold! See, see, she’s right there in the tree! Please get her down and put some clothes on her!” The nurses had to medicate her and I put her in bed.

Searching the wood

Moving on to the next day, she called out to me and a co-worker and said, “You see, they are going to get her down.” There were several men behind the facility. I later found out that they were detectives searching the wood.

That night on the local news they announced that they found the body of a missing university student in those woods. She had gone missing two days prior. My heart sank! I began to wonder if the resident, who was diagnosed as having dementia, saw the ghost of that student.

Ghost girl in the tree

That event has stuck with me over the years and I can remember it like it was yesterday.

— Pensacola Nurse in Florida


Thank you Pensacola Nurse for sharing your ghost story about the girl in the tree. It continues to amaze me that a paranormal experience, a brief encounter, vision or dream lives so vividly in memory for decades.

— Kat

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.

Have you seen a ghost or experienced a sign from beyond from a loved one or a stranger? We’d love to read about it.—True Paranormal Experiences of Everyday People—your stories in your words. Tell us your story. Contact DreamWatch. We believe!

When something strange happens, your story can help others know they are not alone.


A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag

A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag

On Mar. 13, 1999, my Dad called me to tell me that Mom died. Massive heart attack. Though divorced, they both resided in Ohio. I lived, and still do in Arizona. This news blindsided me, as I spoke to her the previous day, and she sounded fine.

I lived with my cat of 17 years, Pinky, in a nice one-bedroom apartment. Once I got off the phone with Dad, I went outside for a walk to clear my head a bit. Was walking through the apartment complex next door to mine, and came across a beautiful blue bag, sitting on the top of a dumpster. I’ve never before, or have since, picked up anything out of the trash, but the bag was really pretty, and my favorite shade of blue, so I got up on the dumpster, and retrieved the bag.

Ask for a sign

Returned home, and set the bag on the kitchen floor. Called my best friend, and told her the news; she said she’d come by. I took a quick bath, so as to clean my face up from crying, and while in the bath, was “talking” to my Mom, saying, “Mom, you’ve got to give me a sign, because I don’t know whether I should stay in Phoenix, or go to Cleveland for the funeral.” (Could not afford to miss work by going, and was not going to leave Pinky with just anybody, due to his age. Also, the friend that came over was leaving the next day on a business trip, so there went my only potential cat sitter.) Anyhow, as soon as I said those words to my Mom, I said, “Oh no, you can’t give me a sign, cuz you know you’ll scare me to death!” (I don’t like paranormal or ghostly stuff; usually too scary for me.)

The pretty blue bag

Got out of the tub, and dressed, and with that my friend came over. We were sitting in my living room, and I was telling her about “talking” to my Mom, when I happened to look over at the kitchen. The blue bag that I had found earlier was pointing right at me with three big, bright letters staring me in the face. The letters were S-T-A. (Stay). I flipped! I ran and grabbed the bag, turns out when i set it down, there were 4 letters on the side, A-S-T-A, but somehow the first A folded back, and was out of sight. Weird!

Looked at the front of the bag, and the A-S-T-A was spelled out on the front as American Society of Travel Agents, which fits, as I would have had to make a plane reservation to go to Cleveland. Then, it dawned on me, also, as I told my friend, “Geez, that’s why you’re here, because she (Mom) knew if I would’ve done this while I was alone, I would’ve really lost it!” So…

Travel agency coincidence?

I did not go to Cleveland, but the following week, I took the bag to a Travel Agency in my town called: STA Travel. Same blue and white letters in their logo, as what was on my bag. I rattled this whole story off to the Agency Owner, who then looked at the bag, and told me his agency did not put it out, and he’d never seen a bag like that before! Even though it matched his Logo exactly. Weird!

— Christine in Arizona


Christine, Thanks for your story about A Sign from Beyond in a Pretty Blue Bag. I appreciate the little details and was amused by your dumpster rescue of the bag. Kicked to the curb (literally), I grabbed one of my favorite little odd chairs, tossed it in the car and sped away. Your “rescue” is a better story.

— Kat

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.

Has your loved one sent a sign from beyond? We’d love to read about it.—True Paranormal Experiences of Everyday People—your stories in your words. Tell us your story. Contact DreamWatch. We believe!

When something strange happens, your story can help others know they are not alone.


Boy ghost in the closet

Little boy ghost in the closet. “Strange things started to happen…”

This is my paranormal experience about a little boy ghost in the closet.

My grandmother was sick with cancer and so my grandparents decided to give me her canopy bed. Strange things then started to happen the days after. Every night around 3:00 am on the dot my closet door would open and a little boy would walk out. This happened to me for seven days straight.

“I can still describe this little boy ghost in the closet.”

He had on dirty old clothes, he had pale skin, bowl hair cut, and dark eyes like the dead. He would stand at the foot of my bed for about 15 minutes or so then he would turn around and walk back into the closet. I am still afraid of the closet to this day.

— Heather in Kansas

Read similar true ghost stories in our archives of Kids See Ghosts and People Ghosts.

When something strange and frightening like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. We want to read what happened to you. Submit Your Story at, true paranormal experiences of everyday people. Your stories in your words.


A female figure true ghost story

“A female figure standing over me.”

I don’t think this female figure is supernatural, but no one can explain to me what exactly it is, so I put it to you here.

This happened in 2014. I had been having vivid dreams and centered a lot on death, or the passing of a loved one.

I woke up to a female figure standing over me, but I wasn’t scared, in fact I looked, rolled over and put my back to it and went back to sleep.

“A cool breeze on the back on my neck.”

My sleep has been interrupted for a while now and one day I felt a cool breeze on the back on my neck multiple times—inside the house. Once I actually thought someone was blowing on the back of my neck and I turned to confront them—except I was alone in my own house.

This morning I’m hearing wind chimes. There are none unless the neighbor got some yesterday.

Anyone had anything similar happen?

— Jade in South Africa

Yes, Jade, many others have had similar experiences. See their stories on our Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights (and touches and other physical phenomena), and in our story archive of People Ghosts.

— Kat

We want to read your story. When something strange like this happens, your story can help others know they are not alone. Submit Your Story at DreamWatch. We believe!


“I Am Not Dead.”

True Ghost Story: “I Am Not Dead.”

In my dream a person came to me and said, “Joe Jones will be coming to see you. There may be others who come, but you need to be certain it’s really Joe.” A while later I was with Joe, and we were talking. I had been housekeeper for the elderly Joe and his wife.

“What’s it like where you are now?”

After Joe died suddenly several months earlier, his wife was having a difficult time. I told her that Joe was still with her, and that he would be there for her as long as she needed him. So as Joe and I talked, I asked him, “What’s it like where you are now?” I’m very curious about everything and am always asking people questions.

His answer was quite adamant, and very surprising. He said, “I am not dead.”

— anonymous in USA

Wow, this is a great story. Joe’s body is gone but Joe lives on. Let’s hope!


Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.


Faceless ghost

Faceless Ghost – Bad Fashion Never Dies

Over the past two/three nights I have been suddenly waking up to “see” someone standing next to my bed. It is usually just a shadowed figure. However, last night I woke to a faceless man in a blue plaid suit, walking past my bed and through the wall. These dreams startle me awake, but I don’t have a feeling of anxiousness when awaking.

— Barbara in Florida

Yikes! I’d be startled too. What kind of guy wears blue plaid suits? Yuk! Apparently harmless, though I wouldn’t encourage the faceless ghost to hang around. (No offense meant to you guys who wear blue plaid suits.) Thanks for writing!

— Kat

Read similar True Ghost Stories in our archive of People Ghosts.


Haunted asylum bathhouse

Haunted asylum bathhouse

Even before I knew of the haunted asylum bathhouse, a lot of weird stuff happened to me. First, let me be clear on one thing: This was at my parents’ house. When I was thirteen, my grandparents got custody over me. The activity is still happening today at my house. For some reason, I believe that spirits become attached to me. I also believe I was connected with psychic abilities as a child. It would not be much of a surprise if there was a form of paranormal phenomena happening because I always believed in the paranormal.

I lived in the town of Mount Clemens; it is a small place with some buildings and little suburbs, which I lived in at the time. It was a small, house with a basement and the garage was in our backyard, strangely.

“The place once was a mental asylum.”

A little way down is a hospital. Not the Mount Clemens general hospital, another one, near Chesterfield, I believe.

Well, I know about it because my mother was suffering from schizophrenia, which is a main reason of me having to live with my grandparents. On a visit, I spoke to her about it, and she told me the other patients had spoken about how the place once was a mental asylum. This as a matter of fact, is true. I didn’t believe it at first because, hell, would you believe someone who said that it was haunted? Anyway, my mom had said the nurses and doctors confirmed this.

“They never wanted to go to the haunted asylum bathhouse.”

The patients eerily complained about the same thing: They never wanted to go to the bathhouse. The bathhouse was in the basement part of the hospital, it was abandoned and run down. The nurses told my mom that it was just dirty, out-of-condition bathtubs, rusty water heaters, and the main electricity box.

Many patients had complained that when they went down there, (I don’t know why there was a reason to go there!) they would hear of whispers and screams and see weird things. They would hear footsteps and see black shapes at night.

The patient next to her even described having a night terror about being in the bathhouse, surrounded by doctors while she was strapped on a cold metal table and being tortured with rusty lab equipment. She had also had night terrors about getting electric therapy. At first I thought this was complete BS because my mom had obviously been drugged to calm down, and the patients may have been, too. But after a little research, I did learn that this was actually true. I one day hope to visit that place.

— Anonymous in Michigan

Note: minor edits have been made to protect privacy.

Read similar true paranormal stories in our archive of Haunted Places.


War ghosts haunt converted church

WWI ghosts haunt converted church.

Converted church in England houses WWI ghosts.

So, I live in a converted church and always feel wary that something is within my bed room or as if something is watching me. Only a few days ago I felt like researching my home and I discovered that the church car park was a grave yard back in World War I. WWI ghosts?

“I can speak to ghosts. … Something was in my bed.”

I have also found out I can speak to ghosts. I woke up feeling like something was in my bed and I couldn’t move, I just lay and then moved as quickly as I possibly could, I turned over with my back to the object. I then couldn’t sleep as I saw a figure of a women standing next to my bed so then I turned over again and tried to forget about it.

“I heard footsteps and knocking on my door.”

A few weeks later I began to see things and heard footsteps and knocking on my door. I then recorded it on my phone so that I could play it to my parents as I was hesitant to get off my bed. That night I saw a girl lay at the end of my bed and a little boy stood next to her with what looked like a gas mask around his neck. I decided to lie so that I couldn’t see anything, and woke up early hours in the morning with a child’s voice whispering in my ear.

I now see these people in my room almost once a week and feel as though they follow me round school and are watching me sleep. But these past few nights I can’t sleep and have had the bed cover pulled off me and had things going missing in my bedroom, has anybody also had this?

— Rosie in England

Read similar true paranormal stories in our archive of Haunted Places.


Creaky Old House of Ghosts

A grandmother’s house is supposed to be warm and nurturing, filled with knickknacks gathered over a lifetime and the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. A place to test the boundaries of already loose rules. My nana’s creaky old house was all of that and more.

Creaky old house with a history of ghosts

Located halfway down a cut-through street in a small mill town in Maine, it was a rambling red two-story structure with a porch on the front and wild raspberry bushes out back for eating and making pies. Generations had come and gone, and in the early days it was common practice to give birth in the house. However, under less than sterile conditions and with limited or no medical intervention, an infant had to come out fighting for his life. From there, common childhood diseases threatened a child’s long-term survival.

Adding to the hardship, winters were long and arduous. I’d heard of a still birth after a fall on the ice and the premature death of a toddler who succumbed to what would now be a common cold. Under these circumstances, the dining room space would be rearranged for a casket for viewing before a funeral. On the side of the house, a door barely wide enough to fit the narrow box was used strictly for that special purpose.

As with any house of considerable age, stories passed along generations. I’d heard them as I was growing up and each tale seemed to be accepted by the extended family as intrinsic lore of the creaky old house.

Great-grandmother’s ghost

By the time I’d reached my teenage years, my father had relayed on several occasions about the night he saw my deceased great grandmother, whom he’d never met while she was alive. Finding himself suddenly awake in the wee hours, his eyes were drawn to the crib where I slept nearby. An ethereal female figure hovered as if checking on her baby. Not recognizing the woman, my father studied her face to memorize her features before she glided across the room and disappeared through the wall. The next day, he noticed a sepia-toned photo hanging on the wall that bore the image of the woman he’d seen the night before and learned it was my mother’s grandmother who had passed in that same room.

Grandfather’s ghost

Also prone to sharing tales, my mother often told the story of what happened after her father’s funeral one frigid January. She lay awake in the dark, thinking of how much he hated the cold and worrying about where he was. Was it cold there? As if in response, just outside her room, the landing at the top of the stairs lit with a warm glow, which she sensed was her father assuring her he was okay.

My ghost encounter

While an occasional story entertained and underscored the age of the house and the family history, none of it touched me directly. That is, until one summer when I stayed at my grandmother’s house without the rest of my family.

It was the summer between my junior and senior years of college. I was working nearby at a sleepaway camp on an idyllic lake replete with loons that called mournfully in the morning fog. The evening before a day off, my aunt and uncle picked me up and delivered me to my grandmother’s to stay the night. Nana let me sleep in her room since, as far as she was concerned, it had the best mattress.

Ghost footsteps down the hall

After we settled into our respective bedrooms and I pulled the cord on the solitary light above the bed, I lay still, listening to the quiet and reflecting on the hubbub I’d left behind at the camp. Soon I could hear footsteps approaching from down the hall. Heavy footsteps that practically echoed on the old wood floor. They weren’t my grandmother’s. At that time of night she would have worn slippers and shuffled along with no urgency.

The ghost beside my bed

These footfalls had a purpose and were closing the distance between us. My breathing quickened and grew shallow. My body stiffened and I pressed my closed eyes tighter. It would have taken a crow bar to get them open at that moment. I listened as someone entered my room and came up to the side of the bed where I lay—and stopped. All pulmonary function in my body shut down. I sensed a man and could feel him standing close. Would he reach out and touch me? Keeping my lids pressed shut, I willed whoever it was to go away. Please go away. I don’t want to know. Please go. My body broke out in a cold sweat. I listened, but there were no more footsteps. No sounds at all. Just deafening silence. Was he still there? Without ever opening my eyes again that night, at some point I finally fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke to brilliant sunshine flooding the room, and my thoughts went straight to what I’d heard the night before. Who had paid me a visit? One of my relatives who had passed long before I’d arrived on the scene? Someone more recent? I wasn’t ready to go down that path. It was too soon. Too raw.

Becoming accustomed to ghosts

Although certain members of my family had the ability to sense paranormal activity, I wanted no part of it. The thought terrified me. What if I was particularly good at it and it went beyond the occasional occurrence? Or what if I opened the wrong door and invited in a less-than-desirable spirit—something evil? At that point in my life, I couldn’t wrap my head around it and chose to construct a wall of sorts to keep it all out. Leave me alone. Please.

It wasn’t until a few years later when I’d grown more used to the idea of being open to paranormal that I began to embrace the idea. Once I accepted the very real possibility I could connect, I began to experience interactions with the other side. Unlike my initial experience, alone and quivering in my grandmother’s bed, I’ve been consistently intrigued with each one—coming away in awe and reverence. None have scared me. Not yet, anyway.

— Penny, Connecticut

This true ghost story was submitted by mystery author Penny Goetjen. See our conversation about books, writing, and life on my personal author blog: Writings on the Wall. Penny’s interview is titled: Precipice series author Penny Goetjen in conversation.

— Kat


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