Mystery Fiction. True Paranormal.

Category: People ghosts (Page 2 of 2)

Ghosts, spirits, a presence of any person, known or unknown

“Footsteps pacing … But no one was there.”

“Footsteps pacing … But no one was there.”

It was a cold October night. I was asleep until 2:37. All I can hear is footsteps pacing around my room. But no one was there. It could have been the neighbors in the apartment below. I believed that until I heard whistling in the kitchen. Still, no one was there!!! I couldn’t sleep or move. All I could think of was, “What would happen if I checked on the noises I was hearing?” I couldn’t risk it so I sat up all night till I saw the sun rise.

— Anonymous

Read more about footsteps in the night in our category: Phantom Smells, Sounds, Lights.

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Creaky Old House of Ghosts

A grandmother’s house is supposed to be warm and nurturing, filled with knickknacks gathered over a lifetime and the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. A place to test the boundaries of already loose rules. My nana’s creaky old house was all of that and more.

Creaky old house with a history of ghosts

Located halfway down a cut-through street in a small mill town in Maine, it was a rambling red two-story structure with a porch on the front and wild raspberry bushes out back for eating and making pies. Generations had come and gone, and in the early days it was common practice to give birth in the house. However, under less than sterile conditions and with limited or no medical intervention, an infant had to come out fighting for his life. From there, common childhood diseases threatened a child’s long-term survival.

Adding to the hardship, winters were long and arduous. I’d heard of a still birth after a fall on the ice and the premature death of a toddler who succumbed to what would now be a common cold. Under these circumstances, the dining room space would be rearranged for a casket for viewing before a funeral. On the side of the house, a door barely wide enough to fit the narrow box was used strictly for that special purpose.

As with any house of considerable age, stories passed along generations. I’d heard them as I was growing up and each tale seemed to be accepted by the extended family as intrinsic lore of the creaky old house.

Great-grandmother’s ghost

By the time I’d reached my teenage years, my father had relayed on several occasions about the night he saw my deceased great grandmother, whom he’d never met while she was alive. Finding himself suddenly awake in the wee hours, his eyes were drawn to the crib where I slept nearby. An ethereal female figure hovered as if checking on her baby. Not recognizing the woman, my father studied her face to memorize her features before she glided across the room and disappeared through the wall. The next day, he noticed a sepia-toned photo hanging on the wall that bore the image of the woman he’d seen the night before and learned it was my mother’s grandmother who had passed in that same room.

Grandfather’s ghost

Also prone to sharing tales, my mother often told the story of what happened after her father’s funeral one frigid January. She lay awake in the dark, thinking of how much he hated the cold and worrying about where he was. Was it cold there? As if in response, just outside her room, the landing at the top of the stairs lit with a warm glow, which she sensed was her father assuring her he was okay.

My ghost encounter

While an occasional story entertained and underscored the age of the house and the family history, none of it touched me directly. That is, until one summer when I stayed at my grandmother’s house without the rest of my family.

It was the summer between my junior and senior years of college. I was working nearby at a sleepaway camp on an idyllic lake replete with loons that called mournfully in the morning fog. The evening before a day off, my aunt and uncle picked me up and delivered me to my grandmother’s to stay the night. Nana let me sleep in her room since, as far as she was concerned, it had the best mattress.

Ghost footsteps down the hall

After we settled into our respective bedrooms and I pulled the cord on the solitary light above the bed, I lay still, listening to the quiet and reflecting on the hubbub I’d left behind at the camp. Soon I could hear footsteps approaching from down the hall. Heavy footsteps that practically echoed on the old wood floor. They weren’t my grandmother’s. At that time of night she would have worn slippers and shuffled along with no urgency.

The ghost beside my bed

These footfalls had a purpose and were closing the distance between us. My breathing quickened and grew shallow. My body stiffened and I pressed my closed eyes tighter. It would have taken a crow bar to get them open at that moment. I listened as someone entered my room and came up to the side of the bed where I lay—and stopped. All pulmonary function in my body shut down. I sensed a man and could feel him standing close. Would he reach out and touch me? Keeping my lids pressed shut, I willed whoever it was to go away. Please go away. I don’t want to know. Please go. My body broke out in a cold sweat. I listened, but there were no more footsteps. No sounds at all. Just deafening silence. Was he still there? Without ever opening my eyes again that night, at some point I finally fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke to brilliant sunshine flooding the room, and my thoughts went straight to what I’d heard the night before. Who had paid me a visit? One of my relatives who had passed long before I’d arrived on the scene? Someone more recent? I wasn’t ready to go down that path. It was too soon. Too raw.

Becoming accustomed to ghosts

Although certain members of my family had the ability to sense paranormal activity, I wanted no part of it. The thought terrified me. What if I was particularly good at it and it went beyond the occasional occurrence? Or what if I opened the wrong door and invited in a less-than-desirable spirit—something evil? At that point in my life, I couldn’t wrap my head around it and chose to construct a wall of sorts to keep it all out. Leave me alone. Please.

It wasn’t until a few years later when I’d grown more used to the idea of being open to paranormal that I began to embrace the idea. Once I accepted the very real possibility I could connect, I began to experience interactions with the other side. Unlike my initial experience, alone and quivering in my grandmother’s bed, I’ve been consistently intrigued with each one—coming away in awe and reverence. None have scared me. Not yet, anyway.

— Penny, Connecticut

This true ghost story was submitted by mystery author Penny Goetjen. See our conversation about books, writing, and life on my personal author blog: Writings on the Wall. Penny’s interview is titled: Precipice series author Penny Goetjen in conversation.

— Kat


Little boy ghost and ghost dog Molly.

Little boy ghost.

My border collie Molly had to be put down about two weeks ago due to a terrible cancer. We were so bonded. I loved her beyond words. I haven’t seen or heard her ghost but I’m expecting some sign and here’s why: I live in a very very old house and we do have a ghost—a little boy ghost about 6 or 7 years old. I saw him twice coming up the front sidewalk, shortly after we moved in, and then he’d just disappear.

My mother came to see my new house and she saw the little boy ghost too; he was sitting on the landing of the stairs leading up to the bedroom, watching us downstairs. That was about 40 years ago and nothing since so I thought the boy was gone, but he’s still here.

“Did you hear that?”

My plumber recently was kneeling on the floor, working on an upstairs bathroom pipe and he loves this old house so I was telling him about it, including the little boy ghost story. That’s when we both heard a bell ringing twice downstairs and the plumber looked at me puzzled and asked, “Did you hear that?” Yes, and we both knew there was no one else in the house. I went to the windows and looked out but of course there was no one on the road, no one ringing a bell. The little boy ghost had been listening to me telling about seeing him and he was letting us know that he was listening.

Hoping to see ghost dog Molly.

I didn’t even remember just then that there even was a bell downstairs but there is; it sits on a windowsill in the sunroom and only is noticed when I dust. So now I hope the little boy ghost appears once more and that my dog Molly is sitting or standing beside him.

The only thing that worries me is that Molly was put down at a vet center an hour from here. I left her to be cremated.

Could her spirit have followed me and my son and my sister (who were there to say goodbye) back to our car and back here to her home?

I hope she isn’t lost and looking for us at the hospital. I talk to her every night when I go to bed. I want her to know that she is loved and missed. Maybe with her company now the little boy ghost will be able to find peace, too.

— Nancy, Pennsylvania


Thanks for your story, Nancy. I believe spirits are not bound by limitations of the physical world. That Molly was put down at the vet’s makes no difference. Molly would find her way home, or to your spirit energy no matter where in the world. That’s my opinion. I hope you see her and that her spirit will comfort you. It’s so sweet of you to think of Molly’s spirit bringing peace to the little boy ghost.

— Kat

You’ll find similar stories archived in five categories at True Ghost Stories.


Ghost at Grandma’s House

I’ve had many ghost experiences, but today I’ll be telling you the experiences I have encountered only at my grandma’s, from the first encounter, to the most recent experience I had. Her son (my uncle) died inside that house from throat cancer, he had a hole in his throat so he could eat, talk, and breath out of.

Sadly I don’t think he died happily, or peacefully. He was never happy, always in a bad mood, and very antisocial. I wasn’t sure if the spirit was him, or another spirit pretending to be him, so I would try too communicate by using a an old necklace of my grandma. Back then, I never knew you could actually communicate with spirits by using personal or items close to them. I thought I invented this new way to communicate with the other world. I asked if it was my uncle, the necklace started moving up and down, so I decided that meant yes. I asked if he was a mean, evil spirit, and also asked if it wanted to hurt me, the necklace went sideways, which meant no, and circle meant maybe or unanswered.

“I always felt like I was being watched…”

As time passed, I would visit my Grandma and stay the night a lot of the times. I always felt like I was being watched, I was on edge all the time, tense, unknowingly preparing myself for the worst. Days come, time passes. This spirit would start misplacing my stuff, like my phone. Confused about how it disappeared when it was just in my sight, I started looking everywhere, even calling it from the home phone to make it easier, but I Never heard it. I look under a pillow thinking to myself “Why the hell am I looking under a pillow?”
Later on, still empty-handed I get this strong feeling that I needed to look under that same pillow again. When I looked, I surprisingly see my phone at the same place I looked before when it wasn’t there. As I lifted the pillow, my phone vibrated from getting an incoming text.

He has always misplaced, my bobby pin, the only bobby pin I had over there. Placed on a clean table, right in plain sight, so I wouldn’t end up loosing it, but I lost it somehow because it wasn’t on that table I placed it on. Again I am looking everywhere for this small, thin hairpin. I walk in the hallway and, got a strong feeling that I needed to look on the wall, automatically knowing that’s where I would find it without looking up first. As I was thinking, “Why the hell would my bobby pin be on a wall?”

Come to find out, there was my bobby pin in between a nail that was holding a picture up on the wall right by the room my uncle died in. I grabbed it, and observed it to see if this was another bobby pin, or if it was dusty from being up there for a while, kinda feeling freaked out because I finally realized that spirits and other paranormal phenomena are as real as ever without any doubt, hoping I won’t be dragged down the hallway, or hurt in anyway, because I always had that feeling, but nothing physical ever happened.

“I seen the chair rocking back and forth…”

I was cleaning my Grandma’s kitchen while on the phone with an old friend. I head into the living room for some reason I don’t remember, and seen the chair right by the hallway rocking back and forth with a pair of reading glasses placed perfectly in the middle.

Chair’s usually stops rocking quickly when someone gets up or even when someone pushes into it, because of the fact of gravity, but it was still rocking at the same pace for about one minute or so. I began to cry, and felt my throat tightening up as I had a feeling that those were my uncle’s glasses.

I began to grow curious with multiple thoughts like,
What does it want?
Is it trying to get my attention for a reason?
Is this really my uncle?
I felt like this presence.
I felt while staying over there was not a pleasant one.

I felt scared and unsafe.

The next day I ask my Grandma whose those glasses belonged too, come to find out she said, “Those were your Uncle Roy’s.”

I freaked out and asked “Where these were placed before they appeared on the chair last night?”

She said that she didn’t remember so I decided to tell her about what happened, already knowing that she wouldn’t believe, but was hoping she would. She didn’t believe me.

I began to tell my friends, and told them I could prove it to them that this was real, also to prove to myself that I wasn’t loosing my mind after all. I invited two friends and my cousin, there was another cousin that was a boy, he was in my Grandma’s room sleeping or something, and the rest of us were putting make-up on each other, and having a blast in the living room. Someone noticed a shadow that kept passing back and forth on the door. reflecting on the hallway walls from the light that was turned on in that room.

“We huddled together … frightened.”

We all looked and saw the shadow going back and forth in front of the door as well. We huddled together and became frightened. Then we remembered that my other cousin was also in the house, so we thought he was messing with us. Feeling a little relieved, but still scared, we agree too go and see if it was my cousin. We held each other’s hands while walking so closely by each other through the hallway to the room where the shadow was in. As we make it to the door of the room, we poked our heads to see what was in there.

There was nothing in the room, we looked in the closet, and under the bed to try to see if he was hiding and never found him. While all of us are in shock we went in the room he always stays in, too, only see that he was sound asleep. We would have seen him sneak into the room as well as out, because the closed door in his room was in plain sight.

Years later, nothing has really been happening, and my Grandma was growing older and weaker, already paralyzed on her right side from falling, sadly knowing her time was almost out.

“This was a very dangerous thing to do…”

I looked up ways to help guide my uncle to the light for him, and to help the next family that will move into the her house. Already knowing this was a very dangerous thing to do, I felt like I needed to do this, I thought about doing it all night, but I was too scared to follow through, thinking the worst outcome that could happen.

That same night when I was trying to fall asleep, the little pantry room across from me that had magnets to hold it shut. opened for the first time ever. After all of the years I’ve been sleeping over there, never has that pantry door opened until that night. It creaked open and I heard a pop from the magnets disconnecting. I freaked the hell out. Frozen. Scared to turn my head to see if that noise was really the pantry opening. I ended up falling asleep somehow, and woke up the next morning.

Minutes later after waking up the TV turned on by itself.  She’s had that TV for years and it had never had a timer set, or anything else to have it automatically turn on. I freaked out once again, thinking that maybe he was mad that I tried to help him. Then I thought, what if he was mad that I didn’t help him?

I’ll never know now, my beautiful Grandma passed a year ago, and I haven’t been at that house since.

— Rachel, Oklahoma

“This child of my loss was connecting with me!”

It has been a few months, waking up by 3 to 3:30 am, I kept testing myself and watching a few days to be alert of the time, so it happened again several days, trying to find the facts and motive why?

I remember I lost a baby being pregnant for three months, the same exact time I was rushed to the hospital having a miscarriage! I looked at the clock to see what time it was, it was 3 am to 3:30 am!

I kept wondering if it was a girl, I wanted a girl!! So one night I woke up, open my eyes and saw the computer turn on for no reason, so I talked to it and asked to turn off computer. “I know you’re here! In a second moment, I saw the computer turned off, then I said, “Thank you. I know you are here.” Then I thought to myself in silence could that have been a message sent to me? From beyond? This child of my loss was connecting with me! The End

— Ginger, Utah

Ghost sightings since 5 years old

Ghost sightings since 5 years old. True paranormal.

Ghost sightings since 5 years old: Ever since I was about 5 years old, I have had experiences with paranormal things.  … I remember having a friend that was always at my house and we would play a lot. I didn’t think about it much then, but a few years after my friend “went away” I asked my mom about that friend. My mom then told me that I never had a friend like that. But then she told me that one night she woke up and found me talking to the wall. My mom asked who I was talking to, and I said that I was talking to my friend. My mom was so scared at my answer that she ran back to her room without even putting me back to bed.

“I heard someone crying.”

Another experience I had was that I woke up one night, and I heard someone crying. I walk into the hallway and I see a little boy with no face holding a broken drum. I ran back to my room and closed my door.

A male voice whispering in my ear…

(Years later) I have had a recent experience. I was trying to fall asleep but I hear a male voice whispering in my ear, but I couldn’t make out what it was saying. I sit up in my bed to see who was there, but nothing. The same thing happened again about an hour later, but still no one there.

A women screaming…

Then I hear a women screaming at me to leave her room and I booked it to my parents room and I sometimes still hear the women telling me to leave.

— Rae, California

Thanks for your story, Rae. We’ve created a special category in our archives for encounters such as yours. You’ll find it in the Sidebar Menu: Select Category: Kids see ghosts.

— Kat

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